Reputation: 67
I have lot of document that look like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("5bcf7d670a31a41b382823e2"),
"score" : 75
My backend language is java. I use _id field to filter data by date.
I have a java method which give me Object_id with respect to timezone.
public static ObjectId getObjectId(String date, String fromTimeZone) {
SimpleDateFormat formatterFrom = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
return new ObjectId(Long.toHexString(formatterFrom.parse(date).getTime() / 1000L) + "0000000000000000");
fromTimeZone could be something like .
Europe/London etc.
Now i would like to add some charts on my application dashboard. so i need last 7 days data like this.
{date: Nov-01, score:75}
{date: Nov-02, score:75}
{date: Nov-03, score:75}
{date: Nov-04, score:75}
{date: Nov-05, score:75}
{date: Nov-06, score:75}
{date: Nov-07, score:75}
Since lot of users use different time zone, I really dont have any idea how to do that.
help please.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 440
Reputation: 75964
You just need to fetch the matching documents, group by date with timezone and sum the scores and output the document.
Fetch and format results
//Create Variables
String endDt = "2018-11-08 01:02:03";
String startDt = "2018-11-01 01:02:03";
String timeZone = "GMT+08:00";
//Query Filter
Bson query = Aggregates.match(Filters.and(
Filters.lte("_id", getObjectId(endDt,timeZone)),
Filters.gte("_id", getObjectId(startDt,timeZone ))
//Objectid to datetime expression
Document toDate = new Document("$toDate", "$_id");
Bson objectIdToDate = Aggregates.projection(Projections.fields(
Projections.computed("date", toDate)
//Date expression with timezone
Document dateExpression = Document.parse(
'year':{'$year':{'date':'$date','timezone:'"+ timeZone +"}},
'month':{'$month':{'date':'$date','timezone':"+ timeZone +"}},
'day':{'$dayOfMonth':{'date':'$date','timezone':"+ timeZone +"}}
//Group by Date
Bson group = Document("$_id", dateExpression), Accumlators.sum("score", "$score"));
//final output
Bson fields = Aggregates.projection(Projections.fields(
Projections.computed("date", "$_id")
//Fetch matching records
AggregateIterable<Document> iterable = collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(query,objectIdToDate,group,fields));
//Format results
for(Document document:iterable) {
document.put("date", formatDateToMonthDay(date));
Helper Methods
public static String formatDateToMonthDay(Date date) {
DateTimeFormattter monthDayFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMM-dd");
Instant instant = date.toInstant();
return instant.format(monthDayFormatter);
public ObjectId getObjectId(String date, String fromTimeZone) {
DateTimeFormattter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(date,formatter);
Instant instant = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneId.of(fromTimeZone)).toInstant();
return new ObjectId(Long.toHexString(instant.getEpochSecond()) + "0000000000000000");
Upvotes: 1