Reputation: 55
I'm trying to create a function called "insertm" that is supposed to insert a key and value into a binary tree.If the key already exists it should return "nothing". If not it should insert the key and value into the tree based on it's value. I was able to get most of it to go, but I'm getting an error that i'm not sure how to fix.
Here is an example:
TestQ4> insertm 25 "vw" t5
Just (10:"ghi")<$,(30:"def")<(20:"abc")<$,(25:"vw")>,$>>
TestQ4> insertm 20 "vw" t5
Here is my code:
data BinaryTree a b = Leaf | Node a b (BinaryTree a b) (BinaryTree a b)
insertm :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b) =>
a -> b -> BinaryTree a b -> Maybe (BinaryTree a b)
insertm val key Leaf = Just (Node val key Leaf Leaf)
insertm x y (Node val key left right)
| x == val = Nothing
| x < val = Just (Node val key (insertm x y left) right)
| otherwise = Just (Node val key left (insertm x y right))
And this is the error i get:
* Couldn't match expected type `BinaryTree a b'
with actual type `Maybe (BinaryTree a b)'
* In the fourth argument of `Node', namely `(insertm x y right)'
In the first argument of `Just', namely
`(Node val key left (insertm x y right))'
In the expression: Just (Node val key left (insertm x y right))
* Relevant bindings include
right :: BinaryTree a b (bound at TestQ4.hs:101:32)
left :: BinaryTree a b (bound at TestQ4.hs:101:27)
key :: b (bound at TestQ4.hs:101:23)
val :: a (bound at TestQ4.hs:101:19)
y :: b (bound at TestQ4.hs:101:11)
x :: a (bound at TestQ4.hs:101:9)
(Some bindings suppressed; use -fmax-relevant-binds=N or -fno-max-
| x < val = Just (Node val key (insertm x y left) right)
I also get the error for my otherwise case. So im a bit stuck any help would be appreciated.
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Views: 1085
Reputation: 476557
The problem is that (insertm x y left)
is a Maybe (BinaryTree a b)
| x < val = Just (Node val key (insertm x y left) right)
not a BinaryTree a b
, you thus can not just construct such a BinaryTree
with a Maybe (BinaryTree a b)
as subtree.
You can however "unpack" the value, and then use this, like:
insertm :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> BinaryTree a b -> Maybe (BinaryTree a b)
insertm val key Leaf = Just (Node val key Leaf Leaf)
insertm x y (Node val key left right)
| x == val = Nothing
| x < val = case insertm x y left of
Just l -> Just (Node val key l right)
Nothing -> Nothing
| otherwise = case insertm x y right of
Just r -> Just (Node val key left r)
Nothing -> Nothing
The above pattern is quite popular, we can use fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
here, to map the x
in Just x
to a Just (f x)
and map Nothing
on Nothing
insertm :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> BinaryTree a b -> Maybe (BinaryTree a b)
insertm val key Leaf = Just (Node val key Leaf Leaf)
insertm x y (Node val key left right)
| x == val = Nothing
| x < val = fmap (flip (Node val key) right) (insertm x y left)
| otherwise = fmap (Node val key left) (insertm x y right)
or like @JonPurdy says:
insertm :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> BinaryTree a b -> Maybe (BinaryTree a b)
insertm val key Leaf = Just (Node val key Leaf Leaf)
insertm x y (Node val key left right)
| x == val = Nothing
| x < val = Node val key <$> insertm x y left <*> pure right
| otherwise = Node val key left <$> insertm x y right
The (<$>)
is function that is equivalent to fmap
, and (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
is a function that takes a here a Maybe (BinaryTree a b -> BinaryTree a b)
, and applies the function f
wrapped in the Just
with the value x
wrapped in the right Just
and returns Just (f x)
given the two are thus Just
s, if one of the two is a Nothing
(or both), then it will return Nothing
Upvotes: 2