Reputation: 23
I want to sum a range of values, excluding the cells where another cell in the same row contains a specified value.
I need to do the following implementation in Excel using VBA.
I have the following data as reported in the example below:
I need the SUM of days excluding the days required for "Test".
I know offSet does something similar, however, the "Test" can be randomly inserted on any field, therefore, I need a dynamic calculation.
The desired output is 16.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 540
Reputation: 964
An alternative code where you can choose the item that doesn't sum:
Example: before you execute the macro:
You choose the item(active Cell) in this example I chose B (Total is 20 - B value(3) = 17) execute the macro you get:
The code snippet is:
Sub test()
'i suppose the name are on the A column and the value are in b column
Dim rows As Integer
Dim sum As Double
sum = 0
'count how many rows
rows = ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).count
For i = 2 To rows
'sum the value
sum = sum + Cells(i, 2) 'column B value
Next i
'subtract the item focused
sum = sum - Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 2)
'write sum in the last row (column B)
Cells(rows + 1, 2) = sum
End Sub
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Reputation: 54948
The funniest thing is that it takes longer for the line
vntArr = objRng
(i.e. paste the range into an array) than for the whole SumIf Code to finish.
At one million rows it would take the 'Array' version less than 4 seconds while the 'SumIf' version would take less than 1.5 seconds.
'Purpose: Sums up a range of values excluding the values of cells where
' another cell in the same row contains a specified value.
Sub SumifArray()
Const cstrName As String = "Sheet1" 'Name of the worksheet to be processed
Const cLngFirstRow As Long = 2 'First row of data (excluding headers)
Const cStrSumColumn As String = "B" 'The column to sum up
Const cStrCheckColumn As String = "A" 'The column where to check against
Const cStrCheckString As String = "Test" 'The value to be checked against
Dim objRng As Range 'The range of data (both columns)
Dim vntArr As Variant 'The array where the range is to be pasted into
Dim lngLastRowCheck As Long 'Calculated last row of data in the "check" column
Dim lngLastRowSum As Long 'Calculated last row of data in the "sum" column
Dim lngArrCounter As Long 'Array row counter
Dim lngSum As Long 'Value accumulator
With Worksheets(cstrName)
' Last used row in column cStrCheckColumn
lngLastRowCheck = .Columns(cStrCheckColumn).Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Cells(1, cStrCheckColumn), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
' Last used row in column cStrSumColumn
lngLastRowSum = .Columns(cStrSumColumn).Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Cells(1, cStrSumColumn), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
End With
' Calculate the range of data
Set objRng = Range(Cells(2, cStrCheckColumn), _
Cells(lngLastRowCheck, cStrSumColumn))
' Paste the range of data into an array (One-based, two-dimensional)
vntArr = objRng
' Release object variable: the data is in the array
Set objRng = Nothing
' Loop through the array
For lngArrCounter = LBound(vntArr) To UBound(vntArr)
' Check if the value in the "check" column isn't equal to cStrCheckString
If vntArr(lngArrCounter, 1) <> cStrCheckString Then _
lngSum = lngSum + vntArr(lngArrCounter, 2)
' Write the result into the first empty row after the last row of data in
' the "sum" column
Worksheets(cstrName).Cells(lngLastRowSum + 1, cStrSumColumn) = lngSum
End Sub
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Reputation: 8230
For this example i use Sheet1 with a dynamic range starting from A2 to LastRow.
Sub Test()
Dim LR As Long
Dim Total As Variant
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
LR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Total = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(.Range("A2:A" & LR), "<>Test", .Range("B2:B" & LR))
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 1