Reputation: 11991
While running the Cucumber/javascript/selenium web driver test, I am getting an Undefined. Implement with the following snippet: this.Then(/^I should display "([^"]*)" under the search area$/, function (arg1, callback){ callback(null, 'pending');....
. While typing the text in the search area, system will display a list of results under the search input box. Out of the results displaying, I am looking for an element with text 'Building Designers'. Any idea why this is throwing as undefined ?
Feature: Test search
Scenario: List all the items based on input text provide in search
When I typed the following "Building" text in input
Then I should display "Building Designers" under the search area
// search-steps.js
this.When(/^I typed the following "([^"]*)" text in input$/, (text) =>{
return helpers.loadPage('')
this.Then(/^I should display "([^"]*)"under the search area&/, function (mytxt){
return driver.wait(until.elementsLocated(By.cssSelector("div.SearchResults--result.button")), 50000).getText().then(el => {
console.log("print text here:"+el);
const displayTxt = el;
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Views: 1055
Reputation: 1113
this.Then(/^I should display "([^"]*)"under the search area&/, function (mytxt){
You have an & instead of a $ at the end
Upvotes: 2