How to read output of a command in Git Bash through Autohotkey

I am trying to send a command to Git Bash terminal through Autohotkey but unable to find a way to read its output. Is there a simple way for it? I am sending this

Run, C:\Users\Unknown\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\git-bash.exe
sleep, 2000

Send cd /c/Users/Unknown/Desktop/git/fw{Enter}

sleep, 1000

Send git log --pretty=format:'`%h' -n 1{Enter}

The answer to this is a commit number displayed on terminal

How can I read it?


Upvotes: 3

Views: 1285

Answers (1)


Reputation: 26296

Capturing Output

To capture the output from a command, you can use one of the following RunWaitOne() functions.

Option 1: Doesn't use a temporary file and can't hide the command window. (Source)

; From
RunWaitOne(command) {
  shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
  exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C """ command """") ; change: added '"' around command
  return exec.StdOut.ReadAll()

Option 2: Uses a temporary file and the command window is hidden. (Released under WTFPL)

RunWaitOne(command) {
  tmpFile := A_Temp . "\" . A_ScriptName . "_RunWaitOne.tmp"
  RunWait, % ComSpec . " /c """ . command . " > """ . tmpFile . """""",, Hide
  FileRead, result, %tmpFile%
  FileDelete, %tmpFile%
  return result

Working Example

I personally don't like hard coding in paths, so the following answer is set up to do the following steps:

  1. Look for a Git install on the system PATH environment variable and store it as GIT_BIN_DIR
  2. If an install hasn't been found yet, look for one in the default install directories and store it as GIT_BIN_DIR
  3. Show an error message if Git couldn't be found and quit.
  4. Queue the commands to be called.
  5. Execute the commands and store the result in variable result.
  6. Display the result

The Code

Code is released under WTFPL

; STEP 1: Try to find Git on PATH
for i, path in StrSplit(E_PATH, ";")
  if (RegExMatch(path, "i)Git\\cmd$")) {
    SplitPath, path, , parent
    GIT_BIN_DIR := parent . "\bin"

; STEP 2: Fallback to default install directories.
if (GIT_BIN_DIR == "") {
  allUsersPath := A_ProgramFiles . "\Git\bin"
  currentUserPath := A_AppData . "\Programs\Git\bin"
  if (InStr(FileExist(currentUserPath), "D"))
    GIT_BIN_DIR := currentUserPath
  else if (InStr(FileExist(allUsersPath), "D"))
    GIT_BIN_DIR := allUsersPath

; STEP 3: Show error Git couldn't be found.
if (GIT_BIN_DIR == "") {
  MsgBox 0x1010,, Could not find Git's 'bin' directory

; STEP 4 - Queue any commands.
; commands becomes "line1 & line2 & ..." thanks to the Join continuation section
commands := "
cd /c/Users/Unknown/Desktop/git/fw
git log --pretty=format:'`%h' -n 1

; STEP 5 - Execute the commands (Uses "Git\bin\sh.exe" so we can capture output)
result := RunWaitOne("""" . GIT_BIN_DIR . "\sh.exe"" --login -i -c """ . commands . """")

; STEP 6 - Show the result
MsgBox 0x1040,, % result

Upvotes: 2

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