Reputation: 99
I am struggling with Scala & Play a bit. I have this book class in my model
class Book(identifier: Int, title1: String, price1: Int, author1: String) {
val id: Int = identifier
val title: String = title1
var price: Int = price1
val author: String = author1
override def toString: String = s" $title written by $author"
In my BooksController class I am defining Basic CRUD operations. I wanted to do some magic using the FormFactory class which I am injecting.
import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc._
import model.Book
import model.BookSet
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
class BooksController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents, formFactory: FormFactory) (implicit assetsFinder: AssetsFinder)
extends AbstractController(cc) {
//show a form
def create = {
val bookform: Form[Book] = formFactory.form(classOf[Book])
//show all books
def index = Action {
val map: HashMap[Int, Book] = BookSet.bookMap
This is my bookstore.create scala.html file
@import model.Book
@import helper._
@(bookForm: Form[Book])
<title>Create Book </title>
<h1> Create Book</h1>
@helper.form( action = ){
<input type="submit" value="Create Book">
These are troublesome lines of code:
val bookform: Form[Book] = formFactory.form(classOf[Book])
On the second line IntelliJ informs me of Type mismatch, expected[model.Book], actual[model.Book]
I've tried fixing this by adding the follwing line to html but it results in an error (probably caused by the helper class)
I've also tried passing the from the factory using asInstanceOf[]:
val bookform: Form[Book] = formFactory.form(classOf[Book])
After trying this i got the error during compilation: An implicit MessagesProvider instance was not found. P lease see [error] @helper.inputText(bookForm("title"))
It basically repeats for every field. So I've followed the scala docs Option 2 and added an Injection and implicit Request to the Controller as well as the implicit Request to html file. Still getting the same error
At this point I feel helpless so thats why I am asking the question. Is it acctually possible to use use with a helper class? Unfourtunately package doesn't provide it's own FormFactory. I feel like there is an obvious solution I am just missing. Thanks for patience
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Views: 270
Reputation: 992
I think at first glance, FormFactory
was never intended for Scala, only Java. I could be wrong about that, but I have never used it in Scala.
If you are willing to try the following you might have an easier time:
Change your Book
simply to:
case class Book(identifier: Int, title: String, price: Int, author: String)
Create a Form that looks like this:
val bookForm = Form(
"id" -> number,
"title" -> nonEmptyText,
"price" -> number,
"author" -> nonEmptyText
Then your Controller
can look something like the following:
class BooksController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents)
(implicit assetsFinder: AssetsFinder)
extends AbstractController(cc) {
//show a form
def create = {
//show all books
def index = Action {
val map: HashMap[Int, Book] = BookSet.bookMap
Unsure about AssetsFinder
here, but you may have a reason, so I left it in the example. ;)
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