Reputation: 1605
I've added translation to my qt/qml app using this tutorial
And most seems to work well except that the values of the combobox dont get update with dynamic translate. Im using qt 5.11.2.
By a combobox i mean this:
ComboBox {
textRole: "text"
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: ListModel {
Component.onCompleted: {
append({text: qsTr("None")})
append({text: qsTr("Subpanel")})
append({text: qsTr("All")})
ComboBox {
textRole: "text"
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: ListModel {
ListElement{text: qsTr("None")}
ListElement{text: qsTr("Subpanel")}
ListElement{text: qsTr("All")}
None of them gets updated. I've done some research and found this on bug reports This seems to get fixed on 5.12, but for various reason we need to keep the same version, is there a way i can fix it for this version? (5.11.2)
EDIT: I dont find a way to translate comboBox. Is there another way of doing translations? even if it means to open a new instance of the app? Can someone point me to a link? Can't find a way to do this.
EDIT2: Is there a way to force the model of the combobox to be updated by javascript? when the changeLanguage() method is called?
note: As a complaint i'm finding the support / community to get answers for Qt problems terrible, really bad, but maybe its my problem.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2153
Reputation: 212
There now exists a small example in the Qt Documentation:
// Used as an example of a backend - this would usually be
// e.g. a C++ type exposed to QML.
QtObject {
id: backend
property int modifier
ComboBox {
textRole: "text"
valueRole: "value"
model: [
{ value: Qt.NoModifier, text: qsTr("No modifier") },
{ value: Qt.ShiftModifier, text: qsTr("Shift") },
{ value: Qt.ControlModifier, text: qsTr("Control") }
// When an item is selected, update the backend.
onActivated: backend.modifier = currentValue
// Set the initial currentIndex to the value stored in the backend.
Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = indexOfValue(backend.modifier)
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Reputation: 7146
This is an addition to @Amfasis answer. It extends the very useful "baseEnum" model by adding the capability to detect and react to restranslation events
For the GUI to actually detect that the text was changed after a restranslation, the model must "notify" the gui that data has changed. However, to do that, the model must know when data changed. Thankfully, Qt has the LanguageChange event to do so. The following code catches that event and uses it to notify the gui of the data change.
// in the header file:
class baseEnum : public QAbstractListModel
// ... all the stuff from before
bool event(QEvent *event);
// and in the cpp file:
bool baseEnum::event(QEvent *ev)
if(ev) {
switch(ev->type()) {
case QEvent::LanguageChange:
// notifiy models that the display data has changed for all rows
emit dataChanged(index(0),
index(rowCount(QModelIndex{}) - 1),
return QAbstractListModel::event(ev);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1906
Unfortunately, I can't test all the cases at the moment (and I don't have an access to the Qt 5.11.2), but I think this should work:
ComboBox {
textRole: "text"
Layout.fillWidth: true
displayText: qsTr(currentText)
model: ListModel {
ListElement{text: "None"}
ListElement{text: "Subpanel"}
ListElement{text: "All"}
delegate: Button {
width: ListView.view.width
text: qsTr(model.text)
Or, another way is to re-create a model when language is changed:
ComboBox {
id: combobox
textRole: "text"
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: ListModel {
dynamicRoles: true
Component.onCompleted: {
Connections {
target: trans // this is a translator from a git project you are referring to
onLanguageChanged: {
function reload() {
var i = combobox.currentIndex
combobox.model = [
{text: qsTr("None")},
{text: qsTr("Subpanel")},
{text: qsTr("All")}
combobox.currentIndex = i
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4208
One option is to add a QAbstracstListModel
which does the translation. I made myself a base class, which can be inherited. This also gives you a lot of flexibility for converting a selected item to a value (in this example I am using int, but you can make it anything), which is connected to a C++ backend (I used backend.selectedPanel
for your example)
<< Edit: See answer of Felix for nice addition of dynamic translation >>
base header:
class baseEnum : public QAbstractListModel
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const = 0;
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const = 0;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const;
Q_INVOKABLE int getIndex(int value);
Q_INVOKABLE int getValue(int index);
base cpp:
QHash<int, QByteArray> baseEnum::roleNames() const
QHash<int, QByteArray> result;
result.insert(Qt::DisplayRole, "text");
result.insert(Qt::UserRole + 1, "value");
return result;
int baseEnum::getIndex(int value)
for(int i=0;i<rowCount(QModelIndex());++i)
if(data(createIndex(i, 0, nullptr), Qt::UserRole + 1).toInt() == value)
return i;
return -1;
int baseEnum::getValue(int index)
return data(createIndex(index, 0, nullptr), Qt::UserRole + 1).toInt();
derived header:
class FancyEnum : public baseEnum
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
derived cpp:
int FancyEnum::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return 5;
return 0;
QVariant FancyEnum::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
case 0: return role == Qt::DisplayRole ? QVariant(tr("None")) : QVariant(0);
case 1: return role == Qt::DisplayRole ? QVariant(tr("Subpanel")) : QVariant(1);
case 2: return role == Qt::DisplayRole ? QVariant(tr("All")) : QVariant(2);
return role == Qt::DisplayRole ? QVariant(QString("<%1>").arg(index.row())) : QVariant(0);
Register it somewhere:
qmlRegisterType<FancyEnum>("", 1, 0, "FancyEnum");
usage in QML:
ComboBox {
model: FancyEnum { id: myEnum }
textRole: "text"
currentIndex: myEnum.getIndex(backend.selectedPanel) : 0
onActivated: backend.selectedPanel = myEnum.getValue(index) }
Upvotes: 2