Reputation: 141
I am trying to upload a basic node.js server application to heroku. In localhost it works very well. However, when I upload it to the Heroku the application does not work somehow. Here is my code and my logs. Thank you very much.
var DEFAULT_PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;
var SERVER_NAME = 'healthrecords'
var getRequestCounter = 0;
var postRequestCounter = 0;
var putRequestCounter = 0;
var deleteRequestCounter = 0;
var patientArray = [];
var http = require ('http');
var mongoose = require ("mongoose");
var port = process.env.PORT;
var ipaddress = process.env.IP; // TODO: figure out which IP to use for the heroku
// Here we find an appropriate database to connect to, defaulting to
// localhost if we don't find one.
var uristring =
process.env.MONGODB_URI ||
'mongodb://tekstil:[email protected]:51753/mapd713groupproject';
// Makes connection asynchronously. Mongoose will queue up database
// operations and release them when the connection is complete.
mongoose.connect(uristring, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
console.log ('ERROR connecting to: ' + uristring + '. ' + err);
} else {
console.log ('Successfully connected to: ' + uristring);
// This is the schema. Note the types, validation and trim
// statements. They enforce useful constraints on the data.
var patientSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
blood_gorup: String,
address: String,
date_of_birth: String,
date_admitted: String,
department: String,
doctor: String,
// Compiles the schema into a model, opening (or creating, if
// nonexistent) the 'Patients' collection in the MongoDB database
var Patient = mongoose.model('Patient', patientSchema);
var restify = require('restify')
// Create the restify server
, server = restify.createServer({ name: SERVER_NAME})
if (typeof ipaddress === "undefined") {
// Log errors on OpenShift but continue w/ - this
// allows us to run/test the app locally.
console.warn('No process.env.IP var, using default: ' + DEFAULT_HOST);
ipaddress = DEFAULT_HOST;
if (typeof port === "undefined") {
console.warn('No process.env.PORT var, using default port: ' + DEFAULT_PORT);
server.listen(port, ipaddress, function () {
console.log('Server %s listening at %s',, server.url)
console.log(' /patients')
console.log(' /patients/:id')
// Allow the use of POST
// Maps req.body to req.params so there is no switching between them
// Get all patients in the system
server.get('/patients', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('received GET request.');
console.log("Processed Request Counter --> GET: " + getRequestCounter + ", POST: " + postRequestCounter + ", PUT: " + putRequestCounter +", DELETE: " +deleteRequestCounter);
// Find every entity within the given collection
Patient.find({}, function (error, patients) {
// Return all of the patients in the system
console.log('Sending response to GET request.');
// Get a single patient by its patient id
server.get('/patients/:id', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('received GET request.');
console.log("Processed Request Counter --> GET: " + getRequestCounter + ", POST: " + postRequestCounter + ", PUT: " + putRequestCounter +", DELETE: " +deleteRequestCounter);
// Find a single patient by their id within save
Patient.findOne({ _id: }, function (error, patient) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
if (error) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(error.errors)))
if (patients) {
// Send the patient if no issues
console.log('Sending response to GET request.');
} else {
// Send 404 header if the patient doesn't exist
console.log("Error occurred in sending Response.");
// Create a new patient'/patients', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('received POST request.');
console.log("Processed Request Counter --> GET: " + getRequestCounter + ", POST: " + postRequestCounter + ", PUT: " + putRequestCounter +", DELETE: " +deleteRequestCounter);
// Make sure first_name is defined
if (req.params.first_name === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('first_name must be supplied'))
if (req.params.last_name === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('last_name must be supplied'))
if (req.params.blood_group === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('blood_group must be supplied'))
if (req.params.address === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('address must be supplied'))
if (req.params.date_of_birth === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('date_of_birth must be supplied'))
if (req.params.date_admitted === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('date_admitted must be supplied'))
if (req.params.department === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('department must be supplied'))
if ( === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('doctor must be supplied'))
if (req.params.ailment === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('ailment must be supplied'))
var newpatient = {
first_name: req.params.first_name,
last_name: req.params.last_name,
blood_gorup: req.params.blood_gorup,
address: req.params.address,
date_of_birth: req.params.date_of_birth,
date_admitted: req.params.date_admitted,
department: req.params.department,
// Create the patient using the persistence engine
Patient.create( newpatient, function (error, patient) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
if (error) {
console.log('Error on creating patient.');
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(error.errors)));
// Send the patient if no issues
res.send(201, patient)
console.log('patient Array: ' + patientArray);
console.log('Sending response to POST request.');
// Update a patient by their id
server.put('/patients/:id', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('received PUT request.');
console.log("Processed Request Counter --> GET: " + getRequestCounter + ", POST: " + postRequestCounter + ", PUT: " + putRequestCounter +", DELETE: " +deleteRequestCounter);
// Make sure first_name is defined
if (req.params.first_name === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('first_name must be supplied'))
if (req.params.last_name === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('last_name must be supplied'))
if (req.params.blood_group === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('blood_group must be supplied'))
if (req.params.address === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('address must be supplied'))
if (req.params.date_of_birth === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('date_of_birth must be supplied'))
if (req.params.date_admitted === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('date_admitted must be supplied'))
if (req.params.department === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('department must be supplied'))
if ( === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('doctor must be supplied'))
if (req.params.ailment === undefined ) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError('ailment must be supplied'))
var newpatient = {
first_name: req.params.first_name,
last_name: req.params.last_name,
blood_group: req.params.blood_group,
address: req.params.address,
date_of_birth: req.params.date_of_birth,
date_admitted: req.params.date_admitted,
department: req.params.department,
// Update the patient with the persistence engine
Patient.update(newpatient, function (error, patient) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
if (error) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(error.errors)))
console.log('Sending response to PUT request.');
// Send a 200 OK response
// Delete patient with the given id
server.del('/patients/:id', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('received DELETE request.');
console.log("Processed Request Counter --> GET: " + getRequestCounter + ", POST: " + postRequestCounter + ", PUT: " + putRequestCounter +", DELETE: " +deleteRequestCounter);
// Delete the patient with the persistence engine
Patient.delete(, function (error, patient) {
// If there are any errors, pass them to next in the correct format
if (error) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(error.errors)))
// Send a 200 OK response
console.log('Sending response to DELETE request.');
// Delete all patients in the system
server.del('/patients', function (req, res) {
console.log('received DELETE request.');
console.log("Processed Request Counter --> GET: " + getRequestCounter + ", POST: " + postRequestCounter + ", PUT: " + putRequestCounter +", DELETE: " +deleteRequestCounter);
// Find every entity within the given collection
Patient.deleteMany({}, function (error) {
// Return all of the patients in the system
console.log('Sending response to DELETE request.');
"name": "patients",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "REST API - Patients",
"dependencies": {
"mongod": "^2.0.0",
"mongodb": "^3.1.8",
"mongoose": "^5.3.9",
"restify": "4.1.1",
"save": "2.3.0"
"author": "Oguz Bayral",
"private": true,
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "node index.js"
Also I have a Procfile which is like below:
web: node index.js
And the Heroku log is like below:
2018-11-14T23:56:12.120061+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from
crashed to starting
2018-11-14T23:56:12.000000+00:00 app[api]: Build succeeded
2018-11-14T23:56:14.581822+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with
command `node index.js`
2018-11-14T23:56:18.630046+00:00 app[web.1]: No process.env.IP var,
using default:
2018-11-14T23:56:18.658574+00:00 app[web.1]: (node:4)
DeprecationWarning: current URL string parser is deprecated, and will
be removed in a future version. To use the new parser, pass option {
useNewUrlParser: true } to MongoClient.connect.
2018-11-14T23:56:18.678981+00:00 app[web.1]: Server healthrecords
listening at
2018-11-14T23:56:18.679175+00:00 app[web.1]: Resources:
2018-11-14T23:56:18.679289+00:00 app[web.1]: /patients
2018-11-14T23:56:18.679422+00:00 app[web.1]: /patients/:id
2018-11-14T23:56:18.982348+00:00 app[web.1]: Successfully connected to:
mongodb://tekstil:[email protected]:51753/mapd713groupproject
2018-11-14T23:57:15.011331+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot
timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of
2018-11-14T23:57:15.011331+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with
2018-11-14T23:57:15.126155+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with
status 137
2018-11-14T23:57:15.160113+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from
starting to crashed
2018-11-14T23:57:17.940918+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10
desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/"
request_id=bfd7440d-f39b-4823-947f-41fe01b740f2 fwd=""
dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
2018-11-14T23:57:19.963685+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10
desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/favicon.ico" request_id=67de28c3-268f-4a8f-9f2e-
5c09142df654 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503
bytes= protocol=https
Upvotes: 0
Views: 112
Reputation: 1786
With you're current config, you're binding your server to localhost (
), Heroku doesn't say what IP to bind to, so you'll just have to bind to all of the available network interfaces, now Heroku should be able to detect your app.
// change
server.listen(port, ipaddress, function () {
console.log('Server %s listening at %s',, server.url)
console.log(' /patients')
console.log(' /patients/:id')
server.listen(port, function () {
console.log('Server %s listening at %s',, server.url)
console.log(' /patients')
console.log(' /patients/:id')
Upvotes: 2