Reputation: 135
I am making an ionic app with version 3.20.0. I'm using alert controller and I add three button ,Annuler ,ok and Scan.
I want to place it like in the photo below:
my css code in ionic like that:
.myalert .alert-wrapper {
padding: 0;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex: 0 0 60%;
max-width: 80%;
button.alert-button:nth-child(1) {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
max-width: 40%;
.myalert button.alert-button-group {
flex: 0 0 50%;
max-width: 50%;
.myalert .alert-button-group-vertical {
flex-direction: row;
and my script ionic to show alert is like that ,i need help to show it like photo below
showPrompt() {
this.donebtn = true;
let prompt = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: 'Espace Client',
message: "Tapez votre code secret",
cssClass: 'myalert',
inputs: [{
name: 'code',
placeholder: 'Mot de passe',
type: 'password',
}, ],
buttons: [{
text: '',
handler: data => {
let pass = this.votreCode;
this.verifierclient(this.codeclient, pass);
// console.log('Barcode data', this.votreCode);
// let pass = data.code;
//this.verifierclient(this.codeclient, pass);
text: 'Annuler ',
handler: data => {
text: 'ok ',
handler: data => {
let pass = data.code;
this.verifierclient(this.codeclient, pass);
keyboardClose: false
.then(() => this.donebtn = false);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1371
Reputation: 130
Since my answer was "Trivial" hence "converted to comment" here's a repost of my answer.
A bit late response. I tried to achieve this today, and I made it like this:
Create a css class in your app.scss and add that class in the alert option "cssClass".
background-image: url(your-image-url);
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
These css values can be changed per your requirements.
And in the Alert:
buttons: [
text: '',
cssClass: 'yourClass',
handler: data => {}
Upvotes: 1