Reputation: 119
Using MongoDB, How do I update a single array element within a document using the C# Driver.
Allow me to setup this up. Assume there is a collection, called "Things". Within the Things collection, there are many document. Here are two "things" documents:
"Name":"Another Thing",
If I have the _id of the document, and Id of the the item in the array I want to change, how can I toggle the "Completed" property from false to true, without replacing the entire document or array?
The data I am showing here is not actual data from the application I'm working on, it is contrived for this example. Also, I am using the C# MongoDB Driver v2.7.2 and my database is running on MongoDB v4 on Atlas.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 4679
Reputation: 49985
To update single item in nested array you need to use $ positional operator which requires additonal filter to represent filtering on nested array. That filter can be expressed using ElemMatch
in C#. Then to refer matched subdocument you can pass -1
to the indexer of your nested array. Try:
var documentId = "2d7fcf21-34b8-4537-b07f-01659d87eda4";
var stuffId = "1fdd098c-5e60-4dd8-a6a6-96b26cd90dc9";
var filter = Builders<YourModel>.Filter.And(Builders<YourModel>.Filter.Eq(x => x._id, documentId),
Builders<YourModel>.Filter.ElemMatch(x => x.Stuff, f => f.Id == stuffId));
var update = Builders<YourModel>.Update.Set(model => model.Stuff[-1].Completed, true);
Col.UpdateOne(filter, update);
Upvotes: 5