Reputation: 1234
I've seen similar posts that mention the need for use of quotes to pass column names to functions, but I could use help in what I have wrong and how I could improve the function. For example, maybe I could add a "suffix" argument to automatically assign the new data.frame
with a suffixed name of the original? I'm hoping to be able to have a generic function that I could use for varying column names and positions. Thank you.
# function definition #
createhrly_0595quants <- function(df, hourcolumn,
value, qtype, metadata_to_add) {
df <- df %>% group_by(hourcolumn) %>%
summarize(`05%`=quantile(value, probs=0.05, type =qtype),
`95%`=quantile(value, probs=0.95, type = qtype),
median = median(value), n=n()) %>%
mutate(qtype = qtype, metadata_to_add = metadata_to_add)
# sample data.frame #
hrly_gmt <- seq(from=as.POSIXct("2018-11-20 01:00",
tz="America/Los_Angeles"), to=as.POSIXct("2018-11-20 23:00",
tz="America/Los_Angeles"), by="1 hours")
myvalues1 <- rnorm(23)
myvalues2 <- rnorm(23)
mydf1 <- data.frame(hrly_gmt, myvalues1) %>% mutate(class = "a")
mydf2 <- data.frame(hrly_gmt, myvalues2) %>% mutate(class = "b")
df_x <- rbind(mydf1, mydf2)
# function use #
df_0595quants <- createhrly_0595quants(df_x, "hrly_gmt",
"myvalues", 4, "version x.2")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 60
Reputation: 887741
As we pass strings as input, instead of using group_by
, we can use group_by_at
which takes strings for column names, the summarize
column can be converted to symbol (sym
) and evaluate (!!
createhrly_0595quants <- function(df, hourcolumn,
value, qtype, metadata_to_add) {
value <- rlang::sym(value)
df %>%
group_by_at(vars(hourcolumn)) %>%
summarize(`05%`=quantile(!!value, probs=0.05, type =qtype),
`95%`=quantile(!!value, probs=0.95, type = qtype),
median = median(!!value), n=n()) %>%
mutate(qtype = qtype,
metadata_to_add = metadata_to_add)
createhrly_0595quants(df_x, "hrly_gmt",
"myvalues", 4, "version x.2")
Upvotes: 2