Reputation: 83
I currently have a CSV I download from a vendor which has data in it I do not require before importing it into our system.
I need to removed some columns from the CSV using a batch file as we are on citrix we have not got powershell as an option.
There are no column headers and below is what the CSV looks like:
"9826XXXXXXXXXX217","60007834 "," 10.00","D","22/11/2018"
"9826XXXXXXXXXX324","60008504 "," 12.00","D","22/11/2018"
"9826XXXXXXXXXX414","60010605 "," 12.00","D","22/11/2018"
"9826XXXXXXXXXX013","60011385 "," 12.00","D","22/11/2018"
I need the output to be 2nd, 3rd, 5th column.
"60007834 "," 10.00","22/11/2018"
"60008504 "," 12.00","22/11/2018"
"60010605 "," 12.00","22/11/2018"
"60011385 "," 12.00","22/11/2018"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 6143
In case there are possibly commas inside the fields,
use a call to a sub passing the quoted arguments:
:: Q:\Test\2018\11\23\SO_53444017.cmd
@Echo off
(for /f "delims=" %%A in (test.csv) do Call :Split %%A
) > test_New.csv
goto :Eof
> type test_New.csv
"60007834 "," 10.00","22/11/2018"
"60008504 "," 12.00","22/11/2018"
"60010605 "," 12.00","22/11/2018"
"60011385 "," 12.00","22/11/2018"
Edit: Variant processing all *.csv files (appending _New
to the name)
:: Q:\Test\2018\11\23\SO_53444017.cmd
@Echo off
For %%F in (*.csv) do (
(for /f "delims=" %%A in (%%F) do Call :Split %%A
) > "X:\Path\%%~nF_New.csv"
goto :Eof
Upvotes: 1
Not too difficult really.
from batch file, assuming file name is test.csv
(for /f "tokens=2,3,5 delims=," %%i in (test.csv) do echo %%i,%%j,%%k) > newcsv.csv
This will simply write values 2,3,5 to the new csv file..
To run it from cmdline instead, simply remove one of each %
(for /f "tokens=2,3,5 delims=," %i in (test.csv) do echo %i,%j,%k) > newcsv.csv
Please note, this assumes the data within your values do not contain ,
if they do, we need to make some changes.
Upvotes: 1