Reputation: 21
I am trying to learn TASM Assembly and i need your help. I made this code which introduces a vector from the keyboard and than it displays it on the screen with the elements sum. The problem is that when it displays it displays some weird characters but the sum works. Hope you can help me
TITLE vectors
.model small
.stack 100H
msg1 db 10,13,"Enter the lenght of the vector$"
msg2 db 10,13,"Enter the vector elements $"
msg4 db 10,13,"The sum is $"
msg3 db 10,13,"The entered vector is $"
msg5 db " $"
vector db 0
sum db 0
x db 0
main PROC
MOV ax,@data
MOV ds,ax
MOV ah,9h
LEA dx, msg1
int 21h
MOV ah,1h
int 21h
LEA Si,vector
MOV cl , al
MOV x,al
SUB cl , 30h
MOV sum , 0
MOV ah, 9h
LEA dx, msg2
int 21h
MOV ah,1h
int 21h
SUB al,30h
MOV [Si] , al
ADD Si, 1
ADD suma,al
DEC cl
JNZ Introducere
JZ Afisare1
MOV ah,9h
LEA dx, msg3
int 21h
MOV cl,x
SUB cl,30h
LEA Si,vector
JMP Afisare2
MOV dx,[Si]
ADD dx,30h
MOV ah,2h
int 21h
LEA dx,msg5
int 21h
DEC cl
JNZ Afisare2
JZ Afisare3
MOV ah,9h
LEA dx,msg4
int 21h
MOV dl,sum
ADD dl,'0'
MOV ah,2h
int 21h
MOV ah,04ch
int 21h
main ENDP
END main
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3182
Reputation: 39556
The problem is that when it displays it displays some weird characters but the sum works.
These weird characters come from the ommission of the required function number for displaying your msg5. Currently, instead of showing a nice separating space, you get output of the low byte from msg5's address.
MOV ah,2h
int 21h
LEA dx,msg5
<<<<< Here is missing `mov ah, 09h`
int 21h
vector db 0 sum db 0 x db 0
With this definition of vector you reserve just 1 byte to store your inputs. That's not enough! Since your entire program works with single digit numbers, the length of the vector could range from 1 to 9. Therefore you need to make this change:
vector db 9 dup (0) ;This reserves 9 bytes
sum db 0
x db 0
Since your entire program works with single digit numbers and that you output the sum as a single digit number also, you can not be too generous with the values for the inputted numbers. An example that will work follows:
Enter the lenght of the vector3 <<<<< You're missing a space character here!
Enter the vector elements 2
Enter the vector elements 5
Enter the vector elements 1
The entered vector is 2 5 1
The sum is 8
Upvotes: 1