Reputation: 417
code: 200,
id: 4,
msg: "success",
user: "Sourav"
I have a issue like i want to store id and user in Local Storage as Encrypted format.How can i do it using Angular 6?
Upvotes: 20
Views: 109035
Reputation: 31815
The technical solution for encrypting things on client side is probably to use the native crypto
object which allows to perform cryptographic operations in the browser.
However, if the use case is to hide some backend data from the user (which seems to be the case when I read your question), it makes no sense to encrypt, since the key would be either stored in JavaScript code or sent through network. In both cases it's impossible to obfuscate.
Some examples of valid use cases for client-side encryption:
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 31
This is how I did encryption/decryption in Angular:
var userIdVal = this._AESEncryptDecryptService.get(this.Auth[0].UserID);
var UserIdEncrpt = this._AESEncryptDecryptService.encryptData(userIdVal);
export class AESEncryptDecryptServiceService {
secretKey = 'YourSecretKeyForEncryption&Descryption'
constructor() { }
// QA/UAT secret key
encryptSecretKey = 'mySecretKeyHere'
tokenFromUI: string = '123456$#@$^@1ERF'
// Prod secret key
// encryptSecretKey = 'b14ca3428a4e1840bbce2ea2315a1814'
// tokenFromUI: string = '7891@$#@$^@1@ERF'
// 7891@230456$#@$^@1257@ERF
//adding secret key
//Data Encryption Function
encryptData(msg) {
var keySize = 256
var salt = crypto.lib.WordArray.random(16)
var key = crypto.PBKDF2(this.encryptSecretKey, salt, {
keySize: keySize / 32,
iterations: 100,
var iv = crypto.lib.WordArray.random(128 / 8)
var encrypted = crypto.AES.encrypt(msg, key, {
iv: iv,
padding: crypto.pad.Pkcs7,
mode: crypto.mode.CBC,
var result = crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(
return result
decryptData(txt) {
var key = crypto.enc.Base64.parse(this.encryptSecretKey)
var iv = crypto.lib.WordArray.create([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
var decrypted = crypto.AES.decrypt(txt, key, { iv: iv })
return decrypted.toString(crypto.enc.Utf8)
// ========================================================
encrypted: any = ''
decrypted: string
set(value) {
var key = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(this.tokenFromUI)
var iv = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(this.tokenFromUI)
var encrypted = crypto.AES.encrypt(
keySize: 128 / 8,
iv: iv,
mode: crypto.mode.CBC,
padding: crypto.pad.Pkcs7,
return encrypted.toString()
//The get method is use for decrypt the value.
get(value) {
var key = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(this.tokenFromUI)
var iv = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(this.tokenFromUI)
var decrypted = crypto.AES.decrypt(value, key, {
keySize: 128 / 8,
iv: iv,
mode: crypto.mode.CBC,
padding: crypto.pad.Pkcs7,
return decrypted.toString(crypto.enc.Utf8)
decryptUsingAES256(value) {
let _key = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(this.tokenFromUI)
let _iv = crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(this.tokenFromUI)
var decrpted = crypto.AES.decrypt(value, _key, {
keySize: 128 / 8,
iv: _iv,
mode: crypto.mode.CBC,
padding: crypto.pad.Pkcs7,
return decrpted
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5
Simply use the built-in function as follows:
const encodedData = btoa('Hello, world'); // encode a string
localStorage.setItem("token", encodedData );
let accessToken = localStorage.getItem("token");
const decodedData = atob(accessToken ); // decode the string
Upvotes: -5
Reputation: 188
You can also use secure-ls. No need to maintain the decryption key at client side.
import * as SecureLS from 'secure-ls';
export class StorageService {
private _ls = new SecureLS({ encodingType: 'aes' });
constructor() {
set(key: string, value: any, expired: number = 0) {
this._ls.set(key, value);
remove(key: string) {
get(key: string) {
return this._ls.get(key);
clear() {
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 599
Though it's not perfect, window.btoa()
will provide basic base-64
encoding, to avoid everyone reading the user data. This could be your quickest solution. As encryption on the client side is not secured, because everything that comes to the browser can be seen by the end user (Your code or Ajax call, etc), even your encryption key.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 9764
In one our project, we have used 'crypto-js' library.
import * as CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
encryptData(data) {
try {
return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(data), this.encryptSecretKey).toString();
} catch (e) {
decryptData(data) {
try {
const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(data, this.encryptSecretKey);
if (bytes.toString()) {
return JSON.parse(bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
return data;
} catch (e) {
Upvotes: 33