Reputation: 1
I'm using Armenian bank API with woocommerce as extra payment method. When I place order it gives me Runtime error. I'm attaching the image or the error I receive and the code I am using.
id = 'ameriabank'; // payment gateway plugin ID $this->icon = ''; // URL of the icon that will be displayed on checkout page near your gateway name $this->has_fields = true; // in case you need a custom credit card form $this->method_title = 'Ameria Bank Gateway'; $this->method_description = 'Description of Ameria payment gateway'; $this->supports = array( 'products', 'subscriptions' ); // Method with all the options fields $this->init_form_fields(); // Load the settings. $this->init_settings(); $this->title = $this->get_option( 'title' ); $this->description = $this->get_option( 'description' ); $this->enabled = $this->get_option( 'enabled' ); //$this->testmode = 'yes' === $this->get_option( 'testmode' ); $this->ClientID = $this->get_option( 'ClientID' ); $this->Username = $this->get_option( 'Username' ); $this->Password = $this->get_option( 'Password' ); // This action hook saves the settings add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) ); // We need custom JavaScript to obtain a token //add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'payment_scripts' ) ); // You can also register a webhook here // add_action( 'woocommerce_api_{webhook name}', array( $this, 'webhook' ) ); } /** * Plugin options, we deal with it in Step 3 too */ public function init_form_fields(){ $this->form_fields = array( 'enabled' => array( 'title' => 'Enable/Disable', 'label' => 'Enable AmeriaBank Gateway', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => '', 'default' => 'no' ), 'title' => array( 'title' => 'Title', 'type' => 'text', 'description' => 'This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.', 'default' => 'Credit Card', 'desc_tip' => true, ), 'description' => array( 'title' => 'Description', 'type' => 'textarea', 'description' => 'This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.', 'default' => 'Pay with your credit card via our super-cool payment gateway.', ), 'ClientID' => array( 'title' => 'Client ID', 'type' => 'text' ), 'Username' => array( 'title' => 'Username', 'type' => 'text' ), 'Password' => array( 'title' => 'Password', 'type' => 'text' ) ); } public function process_payment( $order_id ) { global $woocommerce; $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); // Ameria bank params $this->description = "[description]"; $this->orderID = $order_id; $this->paymentAmount = $order->get_total(); $_SESSION['eli_cart_total'] = $this->paymentAmount; $this->backURL = add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, add_query_arg('order', $order_id, get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('thanks')))); $options = array( 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'exceptions' => true, 'trace' => 1, 'wdsl_local_copy' => true ); $client = new SoapClient("", $options); $args['paymentfields'] = array( 'ClientID' => $this->ClientID, 'Username' => $this->Username, 'Password' => $this->Password, 'Description' => $this->description, 'OrderID' => $this->orderID, 'PaymentAmount' => $this->paymentAmount, 'backURL' => $this->backURL ); $webService = $client->GetPaymentID($args); $_SESSION['pid'] = $webService->GetPaymentIDResult->PaymentID; $this->liveurl = ''.$this->ClientID.'&clienturl='.$this->backURL.'&lang=am&paymentid='.$webService->GetPaymentIDResult->PaymentID; // Return thankyou redirect return array( 'result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $this->liveurl ); } /** * Output for the order received page. * * @access public * @return void */ function thankyou_page($order_id) { global $woocommerce; $options = array( 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'exceptions' => true, 'trace' => 1, 'wdsl_local_copy' => true ); $client = new SoapClient("", $options); $total = $_SESSION['eli_cart_total']; $args['paymentfields'] = array( 'ClientID' => $this->ClientID, 'Username' => $this->Username, 'Password' => $this->Password, 'PaymentAmount' => $total, 'OrderID' => $order_id ); $webService = $client->GetPaymentFields($args); if($webService->GetPaymentFieldsResult->respcode == "00") { $order = new WC_Order( $order_id ); $type = $webService->GetPaymentFieldsResult->paymenttype; if( $type == "1" ) { $client->Confirmation($args); } $order->update_status('on-hold', __( 'Awaiting credit card payment', 'woocommerce' )); // Reduce stock levels $order->reduce_order_stock(); // Remove cart $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart(); } else { //echo ''; } } } }
Let me know if someone can help me on this.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 620
Reputation: 330
The problem was in this->backURL
because it has /
so the server feel like go to /another resource so you need to encode it using urlencode(this->backURL)
Upvotes: 0