
Reputation: 312

PowerShell Active Directory import script failing with PS 3.0 or above

I don't know much about PowerShell but have inherited a script from someone who is no longer available for assistance. This script imports AD Group Info and memberships related to Users and Computers. It works fine when run on a machine with PS 2.0 but it crashes if executed on PS 3.0 or newer.

I have not been able to figure out what needs to be modified but it seems the errors start occurring in the "Computer" membership import step and there are hundreds of errors that all say:

Command failed while processing computers: , Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown

Then at some point it looks like the script just stops and it never even gets to the 3rd step / function.

Any advice?

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.DirectoryServices") | Out-Null

$DBServer = "DBSERVER"
$DBName = "DBNAME"
$TableUsers = "[$DBName].[dbo].[AD_GroupToClient]"
$TableComps = "[$DBName].[dbo].[AD_GroupToDevice]"
$TableGroups = "[$DBName].[dbo].[AD_Group_Info]"
$sqldateformat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:fff"

[system.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$global:SqlConnection = $null

function Get-ScriptPath { $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value; Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path }
$ScriptPath = Get-ScriptPath
$Logfile = "$ScriptPath\OutLog.log"

function Write-Logfile {
[string](Get-Date -format $sqldateformat) + "`t$logtext" | Out-File $Logfile -Encoding ascii -Append

function Open-Database {
$global:SqlConnection = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection 
try {
    $global:SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=$DBServer;Database=$DBName;Integrated Security=True"
    $global:SqlConnection.Open() | Out-Null
    Write-Logfile "OK`tDatabase opened"
} catch {
    Write-Host "Error Opening SQL Database`t$($_.Exception.Message)"
    Write-Logfile "Error`tDatabase open failed, $($_.exception.message)"

function Close-Database {
Write-Logfile "OK`tDatabase closed"

function Esc-Quote {
if ($str) { $str.Replace("'","''") }

 function Run-DBCommand {
 param($SqlCommands, [switch]$getnumrows)
 if ($SqlCommands.Count -ge 1) {
    $SqlCommandText = [string]::Join(";", $SqlCommands)
    try {
        $SqlCmd = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlCommandText, $SqlConnection)
        $returnvalue = $SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
        if ($getnumrows) { return $returnvalue }
    } catch {
        Write-Logfile "Error`tSQL Command failed, $($_.exception.message)"

function Run-GroupMemberExport {
 switch ($exportmode) {
    "users" {
        $dom = [ADSI]"LDAP://OU=Clients123,DC=test1,DC=test2,DC=test3"
        $query = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(samaccountname=*))"
        $table = $TableUsers
        $namecolumn = "AD_Group_Member_Name"
        $attribs = @("samaccountname")
    "computers" {
        $dom = [ADSI]"LDAP://DC=test1,DC=test2,DC=test3"
        $query = "(&(objectClass=computer)(samaccountname=*))"
        $table = $TableComps
        $namecolumn = "AD_Group_Member_Device"
        $attribs = @("samaccountname", "whencreated")
$starttime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
$srch = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dom, $query, $attribs)
$srch.PageSize = 1000
$srch.Sort = New-Object DirectoryServices.SortOption("sAMAccountName", [DirectoryServices.SortDirection]::Ascending)
$results = $srch.FindAll()

$count = 0
$numaccounts = $results.Count
foreach ($res in $results) {
    try {
        $objAccount = $res.GetDirectoryEntry()
        $samaccountname = $["samaccountname"][0]
        $whencreated = ""
        if ($exportmode -eq "computers") { $whencreated = Get-Date ([datetime]$["whencreated"][0]) -Format $sqldateformat }
        Write-Progress "Querying accounts" $samaccountname -PercentComplete ($count * 100.0 / $numaccounts)
        $SIDs = $objAccount.psbase.Properties.Item("tokenGroups")
        $groups = @()
        ForEach ($Value In $SIDs) {
            $SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $Value, 0
            try {
                $Group = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
            } catch {
                $Group = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value
            if ($groups -notcontains $Group -and $Group.Split("\")[1] -ne $samaccountname) { $groups += $Group }
        Run-DBCommand @("DELETE FROM $table WHERE [$namecolumn] = '$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)'")
        $sqlcommands = @()
        $currenttime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
        if ($groups) {
            $groups | sort | foreach {
                if ($exportmode -eq "users") {
                    $sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', '$(Esc-Quote $_)', '$currenttime')"
                } else {
                    $sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update], [Record_Created]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', '$(Esc-Quote $_)',                             '$currenttime', '$whencreated')"
                if ($sqlcommands.count -ge 50) { Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands; $sqlcommands = @() }
        } else {
            if ($exportmode -eq "users") {
                $sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', 'ERROR: Unable to retrieve groups',                         '$currenttime')"
            } else {
                $sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update], [Record_Created]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', 'ERROR: Unable to retrieve                       groups', '$currenttime', '$whencreated')"
        Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands
    } catch {
        Write-Logfile "Error`tCommand failed while processing $exportmode`: $($, $($_.exception.message)"
 Write-Progress " " " " -Completed
 if ($count -eq $numaccounts) {
    $numdeleted = Run-DBCommand @("DELETE FROM $table WHERE [Last_Update] < '$starttime' OR [Last_Update] IS NULL") -getnumrows
    Write-Logfile "OK`tUpdates for $exportmode completed, $numdeleted old records deleted."

function Run-GroupDescriptionExport {
$dom = [ADSI]"LDAP://DC=test1,DC=test2,DC=test3"
$query = "(&(objectClass=group)(samaccountname=*))"
$table = $TableGroups
$attribs = @("samaccountname", "displayname", "description", "whencreated", "managedby", "grouptype","distinguishedname","whenchanged")
$srch = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dom, $query, $attribs)
$srch.PageSize = 1000
$srch.Sort = New-Object DirectoryServices.SortOption("sAMAccountName", [DirectoryServices.SortDirection]::Ascending)
$results = $srch.FindAll()
$count = 0
$numgroups = $results.Count
$sqlcommands = @()
$starttime = [datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
foreach ($res in $results) {
    $samaccountname = $["samaccountname"][0]
    Write-Progress "Querying accounts, $count/$numgroups" $samaccountname -PercentComplete ($count * 100.0 / $numgroups)
    $displayName = ""; if ($"displayname")) { $displayName = $["displayname"][0] }
    $description = ""; if ($"description")) { $description = $["description"][0] }
    $managedby   = ""; if ($"managedby"))   { $managedby   = $["managedby"][0] }
    $grouptype  = ""; if ($"grouptype"))   { $grouptype = $["grouptype"][0] }
    $distinguishedname  = ""; if ($"distinguishedname"))   { $distinguishedname   = $["distinguishedname"][0] }
    $whencreated = ""; if ($"whencreated")) { $whencreated = ([datetime]$["whencreated"][0]).ToString($sqldateformat) }
    $whenchanged = ""; if ($"whenchanged")) { $whenchanged = ([datetime]$["whenchanged"][0]).ToString($sqldateformat) }
    $lastupdated = [datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
    $sqlcommand = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE [AD_Group_Name] = '$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)'; "
    $sqlcommand += "INSERT INTO $table ([AD_Group_Name], [AD_Group_DisplayName], [AD_Group_Description], [Last_Update], [Managed_By],[Distinguished_Name],[Group_Category],[Created_On],           AD_Last_Modified]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', '$(Esc-Quote $displayName)', '$(Esc-Quote $description)', '$lastupdated', '$(Esc-Quote $managedby)', '$(Esc-Quote                   $distinguishedname)', '$grouptype', '$whencreated','$whenchanged')"

    $sqlcommands += $sqlcommand

    if ($sqlcommands.count -ge 100) { Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands; $sqlcommands = @() 
Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands
if ($numgroups -eq $count) {
    Run-DBCommand @("DELETE FROM $table WHERE [Last_Update] <= '$starttime'")
Write-Progress " " " " -Completed

Run-GroupMemberExport "users"
Run-GroupMemberExport "computers"

Upvotes: 0

Views: 199

Answers (1)

Gabriel Luci
Gabriel Luci

Reputation: 41008

This doesn't have anything to do with the PowerShell version. You're just plain running out of memory. You're pulling in a lot of data, so you need to be more conscious of getting rid of that data when you're done with it.

There are a couple things you can do to clean up memory:

First, the documentation for DirectorySearcher.FindAll() says:

Due to implementation restrictions, the SearchResultCollection class cannot release all of its unmanaged resources when it is garbage collected. To prevent a memory leak, you must call the Dispose method when the SearchResultCollection object is no longer needed.

So whenever you do:

$results = $srch.FindAll()

Make sure you call $results.Dispose() when you're done with it (at the end of the function).

Second, when you loop through the results in your Run-GroupMemberExport function, you're calling $res.GetDirectoryEntry(). Usually you can just let the garbage collector clean up DirectoryEntry objects, but when you're creating so many in a loop like that, the GC doesn't have time to run. This has happened to me when I've run a loop over thousands of accounts.

To solve this, you can call Dispose() on the DirectoryEntry objects yourself. Since you already have a try/catch block there, I would suggest adding a finally block to make sure it happens even if an error is thrown:

try {
} catch {
    Write-Logfile "Error`tCommand failed while processing $exportmode`: $($, $($_.exception.message)"
} finally {

Actually, you could probably just not use GetDirectoryEntry() at all. Just ask the DirectorySearcher to return the other attributes you need. But if you want to still use it, then make sure you call RefreshCache for every attribute you need (you can put them all in one call to RefreshCache). If you access the Properties collection and ask for a value that it does not already have in cache, then it will ask AD for every attribute with a value - that's a lot of unnecessary data.

Upvotes: 2

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