Reputation: 177
I have the following issue.
My VBA program generates dinamically many comboboxes as I expected.
The problem comes when I try to handle their change-events. Searching on the web I saw that a class module is needed in these situations, so that's what I did.
Here is my class-module-code (class name: DB_ComboBox)
Private WithEvents DB_ComboBoxEvents As MSForms.ComboBox
Private DB_ComboBox_Line As Integer
Private Sub DB_ComboBoxEvents_Change()
MsgBox ("Line : " & DB_ComboBox_Line)
'Here I will handle The comboboxes changes
End Sub
Public Property Let Box(value As MSForms.ComboBox)
Set DB_ComboBoxEvents = value
End Property
Public Property Get Box() As MSForms.ComboBox
Set Box = DB_ComboBoxEvents
End Property
Public Property Let Line(value As Integer)
DB_ComboBox_Line = value
End Property
Public Property Get Line() As Integer
Line = DB_ComboBox_Line
End Property
Here the (simplified) code-portion in which I generate the comboboxes. As you can see, I'm trying to insert all the comboboxes into the array "customBox()"
Option Explicit
Private customBox() As New DB_ComboBox
Dim G_DBRigaInizioErrori As Integer
Dim G_IncBoxes As Integer
G_DBRigaInizioErrori = 5
For G_IncBoxes = G_DBRigaInizioErrori To 10
CreateComboBox G_DBRigaInizioErrori, G_IncBoxes
Sub CreateComboBox(DBRigaInizioErrori, IncCBoxes)
Dim curCombo As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
ReDim Preserve customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori)
Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws
Set rng = .Range("J" & IncCBoxes)
Set curCombo = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, _
Left:=rng.Left, _
Top:=rng.Top, _
Width:=rng.Width, _
With curCombo
.ControlFormat.AddItem "1", 1
.name = "myCombo" & IncCBoxes
End With
Set customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori) = New DB_ComboBox
customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Box = curCombo
customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Line = IncCBoxes
End With
End Sub
When I run this, I get the error "13" (not corresponding type) on the following line:
customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Box = curCombo
How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance
Basing on the suggestions, I made the following changes:
1) Class Module
Private WithEvents DB_ComboBoxEvents As Excel.OLEObject
Private DB_ComboBox_Line As Integer
Private Sub DB_ComboBoxEvents_Change()
MsgBox ("Line : " & DB_ComboBox_Line)
'Here I will handle The comboboxes changes
End Sub
Public Property Let Box(value As Excel.OLEObject)
Set DB_ComboBoxEvents = value
End Property
Public Property Get Box() As Excel.OLEObject
Set Box = DB_ComboBoxEvents
End Property
Public Property Let Line(value As Integer)
DB_ComboBox_Line = value
End Property
Public Property Get Line() As Integer
Line = DB_ComboBox_Line
End Property
(I'm not sure about "Excel OLEObject", but the compiler doesn't complain , so I guess it is compatible with "WIthEvents")
"Main" Module:
Option Explicit
Private customBox() As New DB_ComboBox
Dim G_DBRigaInizioErrori As Integer
Dim G_IncBoxes As Integer
G_DBRigaInizioErrori = 5
For G_IncBoxes = G_DBRigaInizioErrori To 10
CreateComboBox G_DBRigaInizioErrori, G_IncBoxes
Sub CreateComboBox(DBRigaInizioErrori, IncCBoxes)
Dim curCombo As Object
Dim rng As Range
Dim tot_items As Integer
Dim incAddItem As Integer
ReDim Preserve customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori)
tot_items = 5
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("J" & IncCBoxes)
Set curCombo = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=rng.Left, Top:=rng.Top, Width:=rng.Width, Height:=rng.Height).Object
For incAddItem = 1 To tot_items
curCombo.AddItem "Hi"
Set customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori) = New DB_ComboBox
Set customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Box = curCombo
customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Line = IncCBoxes
End Sub
When I run this, I manage to create the first ComboBox (along with its items), but then I get an error "91" --> I verified that the execution stops at the following line
Set customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Box = curCombo
Any further help would be really appreciated
Thank you in advance
Upvotes: 0
Views: 914
Reputation: 71247
Implicit default member references strike again!
You're missing a Set
Set customBox(IncCBoxes - DBRigaInizioErrori).Box = curCombo
Without the Set
keyword, what you're assigning is .Box.Value
on LHS, which can't be right.
But there's another problem.
Set curCombo = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, _
Left:=rng.Left, _
Top:=rng.Top, _
Width:=rng.Width, _
That's not a MSForm.ComboBox
control, that's an Excel.ComboBox
. You need to add an ActiveX control, not a "form control". This answer covers it.
Upvotes: 1