Reputation: 3
This code won't output syntax error, but wont end compiling either. When I comment the toutes_reponses
function, the code will compile and execute. Is toutes_reponses
running in a kind of infinit interpreter loop ?
I use ocaml
and #use ""
to compile.
Also, the CPU is running at 100% during this time.
#load "str.cma";;
module Code:
(** Le type d'un pion *)
type pion = string
(** Le type d'un code *)
type t = pion list
(** Le nombre de pions par code*)
val nombre_pion : int
(** Le nombre de couleur et symboles possibles*)
val couleur_possibles : pion list
(** Compare deux codes
* @param code1 premier code a comparer
* @param code2 second code a comparer
* @return 0 si les deux codes sont identiques,
un entier positif si [code1] est strictement plus grand que [code2]
un entier negatif si [code1] est strictement plus petit que [code2]
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Conversion chaine de caracteres vers code (pour saisie)
* @param string chaine de caractere saisie
* @return le code correspondant a la saisie si la conversion est possible
[None] si la conversion n'est pas possible
val string_of_code : t -> string
(** Conversion chaine de caracteres vers code (pour saisie)
* @param string chaine de caractere saisie
* @return le code correspondant a la saisie si la conversion est possible
[None] si la conversion n'est pas possible
val code_of_string : string -> t
(** La liste de tous les codes permis *)
val tous : t list
(** La liste de toutes les reponses possibles *)
val toutes_reponses : (int * int) list
(** Calcule la reponse d'un code par rapport au code cache
* @param code le code propose
* @param vrai_code le code cache
* @return un couple (nombre de pions bien places, nombre de pions mal places)
[None] si la reponse ne peut etre calculee
val reponse : t -> t -> (int * int)
val convert : int -> int -> int -> int list -> int list
val finirTableau : int -> int list -> int list
end = struct
type pion = string;;
type t = pion list;;
let nombre_pion = 4;;
let couleur_possibles = ["Rouge"; "Vert"; "Bleu"; "Orange"; "Noir"; "Blanc"];;
let compare code1 code2 =
match (code1, code2) with
| a::b, c::d -> (if a = c then compare b d else
if a > c then 1 else -1)
| _, _ -> 0;;
let string_of_code code = List.fold_right (fun x y -> x ^ "_" ^ y) code "";;
let code_of_string code = List.filter (fun x -> String.length x != 0) (Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "_") code);;
let rec convert x b i tmp =
if x = 0 then tmp
else convert (x / b) b (i + 1) tmp @ [x mod b];;
let rec finirTableau b tab =
if (List.length tab) = b then tab
else finirTableau b (tab @ [0]);;
let tous =
let n = List.length couleur_possibles and m = nombre_pion in
let rec aux i acc =
if i = -1 then acc else aux (i - 1) acc @ [( (fun x -> (List.nth couleur_possibles x))(finirTableau m (convert i n 0 [])))];
in aux (int_of_float ((float_of_int n) ** (float_of_int m)) - 1) [];;
let toutes_reponses =
let m = nombre_pion in
let rec aux i acc =
let array = finirTableau 2 (convert i m 0 []) in
if i = -1 then acc else aux (i - 1) (acc @ [(List.nth array 0, List.nth array 1)]);
in aux (nombre_pion * nombre_pion) [];;
let reponse code secret = (1,2);;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 236
Reputation: 2300
The type of toutes_reponses
toutes_reponses : (int * int) list
Loading your file in the interpreter results in the evaluation of all declared terms, including this one. And apparently you're stuck in its evaluation. If you want to be able to load the file in the interpreter, turn it into a suspended computation,
toutes_reponses : unit -> (int * int) list
let toutes_reponses () = ...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 18902
Your code compiles fine, it is just running into a infinite loop in one of the functions before tous
. To debug this issue, you could start by adding assert statements to document the entry condition for your recursive functions.
Note also that there is many inefficiencies in your code, you should avoid:
(if you need random access, the data structure that you should use is _ array
)tab @ [0]
). In general, the list one the left-hand side of @
should away be small.List.length
inside a recursive functionSimilarly, if you want to split a string on a character, there is String.spilt_on_char
in the standard library (since OCaml ≥4.04).
Upvotes: 1