Reputation: 9714
I was wondering if it is possible to disable the Required validation attribute in certain controller actions. I am wondering this because on one of my edit forms I do not require the user to enter values for fields that they have already specified previously. However I then implement logic that when they enter a value it uses some special logic to update the model, such as hashing a value etc.
Any sugestions on how to get around this problem?
And yes client validation is a problem here to, as it will not allow them to submit the form without entering a value.
Upvotes: 150
Views: 231268
Reputation: 610
If you just want to disable validation for a single field in client side then you can override the validation attributes as follows:
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.SomeValue,
new Dictionary<string, object> { { "data-val", false }})
Upvotes: 57
Reputation: 2422
In my case the same Model was used in many pages for re-usability purposes. So what i did was i have created a custom attribute which checks for exclusions
public class ValidateAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public string Exclude { get; set; }
public string Base { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Exclude))
string[] excludes = this.Exclude.Split(',');
foreach (var exclude in excludes)
actionContext.ModelState.Remove(Base + "." + exclude);
if (actionContext.ModelState.IsValid == false)
var mediaType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
var error = actionContext.ModelState;
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, error.Keys, mediaType);
and in your controller
[Validate(Base= "person",Exclude ="Age,Name")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Save(User person)
//do something
Say the Model is
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 582
I was looking for a solution where I can use the same model for an insert and update in web api. In my situation is this always a body content. The [Requiered]
attributes must be skipped if it is an update method.
In my solution, you place an attribute [IgnoreRequiredValidations]
above the method. This is as follows:
public class WebServiceController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Insert(SameModel model)
public IHttpActionResult Update(SameModel model)
What else needs to be done?
An own BodyModelValidator must becreated and added at the startup.
This is in the HttpConfiguration and looks like this: config.Services.Replace(typeof(IBodyModelValidator), new IgnoreRequiredOrDefaultBodyModelValidator());
using Owin;
using your_namespace.Web.Http.Validation;
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(your_namespace.Startup))]
namespace your_namespace
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
Configuration(app, new HttpConfiguration());
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app, HttpConfiguration config)
config.Services.Replace(typeof(IBodyModelValidator), new IgnoreRequiredOrDefaultBodyModelValidator());
My own BodyModelValidator is derived from the DefaultBodyModelValidator. And i figure out that i had to override the 'ShallowValidate' methode. In this override i filter the requierd model validators. And now the IgnoreRequiredOrDefaultBodyModelValidator class and the IgnoreRequiredValidations attributte class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using System.Web.Http.Metadata;
using System.Web.Http.Validation;
namespace your_namespace.Web.Http.Validation
public class IgnoreRequiredOrDefaultBodyModelValidator : DefaultBodyModelValidator
private static ConcurrentDictionary<HttpActionBinding, bool> _ignoreRequiredValidationByActionBindingCache;
static IgnoreRequiredOrDefaultBodyModelValidator()
_ignoreRequiredValidationByActionBindingCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<HttpActionBinding, bool>();
protected override bool ShallowValidate(ModelMetadata metadata, BodyModelValidatorContext validationContext, object container, IEnumerable<ModelValidator> validators)
var actionContext = validationContext.ActionContext;
if (RequiredValidationsIsIgnored(actionContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionBinding))
validators = validators.Where(v => !v.IsRequired);
return base.ShallowValidate(metadata, validationContext, container, validators);
#region RequiredValidationsIsIgnored
private bool RequiredValidationsIsIgnored(HttpActionBinding actionBinding)
bool ignore;
if (!_ignoreRequiredValidationByActionBindingCache.TryGetValue(actionBinding, out ignore))
_ignoreRequiredValidationByActionBindingCache.TryAdd(actionBinding, ignore = RequiredValidationsIsIgnored(actionBinding.ActionDescriptor as ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor));
return ignore;
private bool RequiredValidationsIsIgnored(ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
if (actionDescriptor == null)
return false;
return actionDescriptor.MethodInfo.GetCustomAttribute<IgnoreRequiredValidationsAttribute>(false) != null;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true)]
public class IgnoreRequiredValidationsAttribute : Attribute
string debug = new StackTrace().ToString()
to find out who is
handeling the model validation.Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9200
As of MVC 5 this can be easily achieved by adding this in your global.asax
DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.AddImplicitRequiredAttributeForValueTypes = false;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1080
You can remove all validation off a property with the following in your controller action.
ModelState.Remove<ViewModel>(x => x.SomeProperty);
@Ian's comment regarding MVC5
The following is still possible
Bit annoying that you lose the static typing with the updated API. You could achieve something similar to the old way by creating an instance of HTML helper and using NameExtensions Methods.
Upvotes: 40
Reputation: 59
Yes it is possible to disable Required Attribute. Create your own custom class attribute (sample code called ChangeableRequired) to extent from RequiredAtribute and add a Disabled Property and override the IsValid method to check if it is disbaled. Use reflection to set the disabled poperty, like so:
Custom Attribute:
namespace System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
public class ChangeableRequired : RequiredAttribute
public bool Disabled { get; set; }
public override bool IsValid(object value)
if (Disabled)
return true;
return base.IsValid(value);
Update you property to use your new custom Attribute:
class Forex
public decimal? ExchangeRate {get;set;}
where you need to disable the property use reflection to set it:
Forex forex = new Forex();
// Get Property Descriptor from instance with the Property name
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(forex.GetType())["ExchangeRate"];
//Search for Attribute
ChangeableRequired attrib = (ChangeableRequired)descriptor.Attributes[typeof(ChangeableRequired)];
// Set Attribute to true to Disable
attrib.Disabled = true;
This feels nice and clean?
NB: The validation above will be disabled while your object instance is alive\active...
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 732
this was someone else's answer in the comments...but it should be a real answer:
tested on MVC 6 with a field having the [Required]
answer stolen from above
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1325
I know this question has been answered a long time ago and the accepted answer will actually do the work. But there's one thing that bothers me: having to copy 2 models only to disable a validation.
Here's my suggestion:
public class InsertModel
public virtual string ID { get; set; }
...Other properties
public class UpdateModel : InsertModel
public override string ID
get { return base.ID; }
set { base.ID = value; }
This way, you don't have to bother with client/server side validations, the framework will behave the way it's supposed to. Also, if you define a [Display]
attribute on the base class, you don't have to redefine it in your UpdateModel
And you can still use these classes the same way:
public ActionResult Update(UpdateModel model)
public ActionResult Insert(InsertModel model)
Upvotes: 47
Reputation: 702
Client side For disabling validation for a form, multiple options based on my research is given below. One of them would would hopefully work for you.
Option 1
I prefer this, and this works perfectly for me.
(function ($) {
$.fn.turnOffValidation = function (form) {
var settings = form.validate().settings;
for (var ruleIndex in settings.rules) {
delete settings.rules[ruleIndex];
and invoking it like
$('#btn').click(function () {
Option 2
$('your selector here').data('val', false);
Option 3
var settings = $.data($('#myForm').get(0), 'validator').settings;
settings.ignore = ".input";
Option 4
Option 5
$('input selector').each(function () {
Server Side
Create an attribute and mark your action method with that attribute. Customize this to adapt to your specific needs.
public class IgnoreValidationAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var modelState = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState;
foreach (var modelValue in modelState.Values)
A better approach has been described here Enable/Disable mvc server side validation dynamically
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 16938
What @Darin said is what I would recommend as well. However I would add to it (and in response to one of the comments) that you can in fact also use this method for primitive types like bit, bool, even structures like Guid by simply making them nullable. Once you do this, the Required
attribute functions as expected.
public UpdateViewView
public Guid? Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int? Age { get; set; }
public bool? IsApproved { get; set; }
//... some other properties
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3656
If you don't want to use another ViewModel you can disable client validations on the view and also remove the validations on the server for those properties you want to ignore. Please check this answer for a deeper explanation
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1039438
This problem can be easily solved by using view models. View models are classes that are specifically tailored to the needs of a given view. So for example in your case you could have the following view models:
public UpdateViewView
public string Id { get; set; }
... some other properties
public class InsertViewModel
public string Id { get; set; }
... some other properties
which will be used in their corresponding controller actions:
public ActionResult Update(UpdateViewView model)
public ActionResult Insert(InsertViewModel model)
Upvotes: 80
Reputation: 1641
I was having this problem when I creating a Edit View for my Model and I want to update just one field.
My solution for a simplest way is put the two field using :
<%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ID) %>
<%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Name)%>
<%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Content)%>
<%: Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Comments)%>
Comments is the field that I only update in Edit View, that not have Required Attribute.
ASP.NET MVC 3 Entity
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1697
Personally I would tend to use the approach Darin Dimitrov showed in his solution. This frees you up to be able to use the data annotation approach with validation AND have separate data attributes on each ViewModel corresponding to the task at hand. To minimize the amount of work for copying between model and viewmodel you should look at AutoMapper or ValueInjecter. Both have their individual strong points, so check them both.
Another possible approach for you would be to derive your viewmodel or model from IValidatableObject. This gives you the option to implement a function Validate. In validate you can return either a List of ValidationResult elements or issue a yield return for each problem you detect in validation.
The ValidationResult consists of an error message and a list of strings with the fieldnames. The error messages will be shown at a location near the input field(s).
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
if( NumberField < 0 )
yield return new ValidationResult(
"Don't input a negative number",
new[] { "NumberField" } );
if( NumberField > 100 )
yield return new ValidationResult(
"Don't input a number > 100",
new[] { "NumberField" } );
yield break;
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 30152
The cleanest way here I believe is going to disable your client side validation and on the server side you will need to:
Seems even a custom view model here wont solve the problem because the number of those 'pre answered' fields could vary. If they dont then a custom view model may indeed be the easiest way, but using the above technique you can get around your validations issues.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 9271
AFAIK you can not remove attribute at runtime, but only change their values (ie: readonly true/false) look here for something similar . As another way of doing what you want without messing with attributes I will go with a ViewModel for your specific action so you can insert all the logic without breaking the logic needed by other controllers. If you try to obtain some sort of wizard (a multi steps form) you can instead serialize the already compiled fields and with TempData bring them along your steps. (for help in serialize deserialize you can use MVC futures)
Upvotes: 1