Reputation: 117
I am trying to create a textfile with MQL4. No sucess. It just doesn't work. A very simple script:
void OnStart() {
string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
string filename=terminal_data_path+"\\MQL4\\Files\\"+"teste2.txt";
int filehandle = FileOpen(filename,FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
This fires error 5002. OK, the file does not exist. I thinked that the script will create the file.
So, I decided to create an empity "teste2.txt" with notepad in the folder. The same error.
Can someone help me?
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Views: 6815
Reputation: 1
I got that problem. You must check the file first. If it not appear, generate it first with
fileHandle = FileOpen(filename , FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
FileWriteString(fileHandle,"Writing to Newly Created File Completed - teste \n");
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Reputation: 106
First, you need to check to see if there's a file.
//| FileIsExist.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
#property strict
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
string filename = "teste2.txt";
int fileHandle ;
Print("Specified File Has");
fileHandle = FileOpen(filename , FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
Print("Write to Existing File Completed");
Print("File Not Available, Regenerating....." );
fileHandle = FileOpen(filename , FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
FileWriteString(fileHandle,"Writing to Newly Created File Completed - teste \n");
Print("Writing to Newly Created File Completed");
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Reputation: 531
The file is written by default in .../MQL4/Files, so just writting that code works (it creates a file named teste2.txt with teste written in it in .../MQL4/Files) :
void OnStart()
int filehandle = FileOpen("teste2.txt",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
Of course you will need to check the return of the FileX functions (FileOpen, fileWrite, FileClose, etc)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 4691
if you call your file string filename="A"+"\\B\\"+"teste2.txt";
it will be written into TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH)
\MQL4\Files\A\B\ folders. Of course you cannot use prohibited symbols in the file name, and ":\" from the full path (C:\Users\User_NAME\AppData...) is prohibited
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