Reputation: 275435
Suppose I have an immutable wrapper:
template<class T>
struct immut {
T const& get() const {return *state;}
immut modify( std::function<T(T)> f ) const { return immut{f(*state)}; }
immut(T in):state(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(in))){}
std::shared_ptr<T const> state;
if I have an immut<Bob> b
, I can turn a Bob(Bob)
operation into something that can replace my b
template<class T>
std::function<immut<T>(immut<T>)> on_immut( std::function<void(T&)> f ){
return [=](auto&&in){ return in.modify( [&](auto t){ f(t); return t; } ); };
So if Bob
is int x,y;
, I can turn naive mutable code [](auto& b){ b.x++; }
into a immut<Bob>
Now, what if Bob
in turn has immut<Alice>
members, which in turn have immut<Charlie>
Suppose I have a Charlie
updater, void(Charlie&)
. And I know where the Charlie
I want to update is. In mutable land it would look like :
void update( Bob& b ){
and I might split it into:
template<class S, class M>
using get=std::function<M&(S&)>;
template<class X>
using update=std::function<void(X&)>;
template<class X>
using produce=std::function<X&()>;
void update( produce<Bob> b, get<Bob, Alice> a, get<Alice, Charlie> c, update<Charlie> u ){
or even go algebraic and have (pseudo code):
get<A,C> operator|(get<A,B>,get<B,C>);
update<A> operator|(get<A,B>,update<B>);
produce<B> operator|(produce<A>,get<A,B>);
void operator|(produce<A>, update<A>);
letting us chain together operations as needed.
void update( produce<Bob> b, get<Bob, Alice> a, get<Alice, Charlie> c, update<Charlie> u ){std::
where the steps can be stitched together where-ever they need to be.
What is the equivalent with immuts, and is there a name for it? Ideally I want the steps to be as isolated yet as composable as in the mutable case, with the naive "leaf code" being on mutable state structs.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 301
Reputation: 16404
What is the equivalent with immuts, and is there a name for it?
IDK whether there is a universal name for sub-state manipulation. But in Haskell, there is a Lens
which offers exactly what you want.
In C++, you can consider a lens
as a pair of getter and setter functions, both of which only focus on its direct subpart. Then there is a composer to combine two lens together to focus on a deeper subpart of a structure.
// lens for `A` field in `D`
template<class D, class A>
using get = std::function<A const &(D const &)>;
template<class D, class A>
using set = std::function<D(D const &, A)>;
template<class D, class A>
using lens = std::pair<get<D, A>, set<D, A>>;
// compose (D, A) lens with an inner (A, B) lens,
// return a (D, B) lens
template<class D, class A, class B>
lens<D, B>
lens_composer(lens<D, A> da, lens<A, B> ab) {
auto abgetter = ab.first;
auto absetter = ab.second;
auto dagetter = da.first;
auto dasetter = da.second;
get<D, B> getter = [abgetter, dagetter]
(D const &d) -> B const&
return abgetter(dagetter(d));
set<D, B> setter = [dagetter, absetter, dasetter]
(D const &d, B newb) -> D
A const &a = dagetter(d);
A newa = absetter(a, newb);
return dasetter(d, newa);
return {getter, setter};
You can write a basic lens like this:
struct Bob {
immut<Alice> alice;
immut<Anna> anna;
auto bob_alice_lens
= lens<Bob, Alice> {
[] (Bob const& b) -> Alice const & {
return b.alice.get();
[] (Bob const& b, Alice newAlice) -> Bob {
return { immut{newAlice}, b.anna };
Note this process can be automated by macro.
Then if Bob
contains immut<Alice>
, Alice
contains immut<Charlie>
, you can write 2 lens (Bob
to Alice
and Alice
to Charlie
), the Bob
to Charlie
lens can be composed by:
auto bob_charlie_lens =
lens_composer(bob_alice_lens, alice_charlie_lens);
Below is a more complete example with linear memory growth w.r.t depth, without type-erasure overhead (std::function
), and with full compile time type check. It also uses macro to generate basic lens.
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template<class T>
using GetFromType = typename T::FromType;
template<class T>
using GetToType = typename T::ToType;
// `get` and `set` are fundamental operations for Lens,
// this Mixin will add utilities based on `get` and `set`
template<class Derived>
struct LensMixin {
Derived &self() { return static_cast<Derived&>(*this); }
// f has type: A& -> void
template<class D, class Mutation>
auto modify(D const &d, Mutation f)
auto a = self().get(d);
return self().set(d, a);
class Getter, class Setter,
class D, class A
struct SimpleLens : LensMixin<SimpleLens<Getter, Setter, D, A>> {
std::invoke_result_t<Getter, const D&>, const A&>{},
"Getter should return const A& for (const D&)");
std::invoke_result_t<Setter, const D&, A>, D>{},
"Setter should return D for (const D&, A)");
using FromType = D;
using ToType = A;
SimpleLens(Getter getter, Setter setter)
: getter(getter)
, setter(setter)
A const &get(D const &d) { return getter(d); }
D set(D const &d, A newa) { return setter(d, newa); }
Getter getter;
Setter setter;
class LensDA, class LensAB
struct ComposedLens : LensMixin<ComposedLens<LensDA, LensAB>> {
GetToType<LensDA>, GetFromType<LensAB>
>{}, "Cannot compose two Lens with wrong intermediate type");
using FromType = GetFromType<LensDA>;
using ToType = GetToType<LensAB>;
using intermediateType = GetToType<LensDA>;
using D = FromType;
using B = ToType;
LensDA da;
LensAB ab;
ComposedLens(LensDA da, LensAB ab) : da(da), ab(ab) {}
B const &get(D const &d) { return ab.get(da.get(d)); }
D set(D const &d, B newb) {
const auto &a = da.get(d);
auto newa = ab.set(a, newb);
return da.set(d, newa);
namespace detail {
template<class LensDA, class LensAB>
auto MakeComposedLens(LensDA da, LensAB ab) {
return ComposedLens<LensDA, LensAB> { da, ab };
template<class D, class A, class Getter, class Setter>
auto MakeSimpleLens(Getter getter, Setter setter)
return SimpleLens<Getter, Setter, D, A> {
getter, setter
template<class LensDA, class LensAB>
auto lens_composer(LensDA da, LensAB ab) {
return detail::MakeComposedLens (da, ab);
#include <memory>
template<class T>
struct immut {
T const& get() const {return *state;}
immut(T in):state(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(in))){}
std::shared_ptr<T const> state;
#define MAKE_SIMPLE_LENS(D, A, Aname) \
detail::MakeSimpleLens<D, A>( \
+[] (D const &d) -> A const & { \
return d . Aname . get(); \
}, \
+[] (D const &d, A newa) -> D { \
D newd = d; \
newd . Aname = newa; \
return newd; \
struct Charlie {
int id = 0;
struct Alice{
immut<Charlie> charlie;
struct Anna {};
struct Bob {
immut<Alice> alice;
immut<Anna> anna;
auto alice_charlie_lens = MAKE_SIMPLE_LENS(Alice, Charlie, charlie);
auto bob_alice_lens = MAKE_SIMPLE_LENS(Bob, Alice, alice);
auto bob_charlie_lens = lens_composer(bob_alice_lens, alice_charlie_lens);
static_assert(std::is_same<GetFromType<decltype(bob_charlie_lens)>, Bob>{});
static_assert(std::is_same<GetToType<decltype(bob_charlie_lens)>, Charlie>{});
#include <iostream>
int main() {
immut<Charlie> charlie{Charlie{77}};
immut<Alice> alice{Alice{charlie}};
immut<Anna> anna{Anna{}};
Bob bob{alice, anna};
std::cout << "bob -> anna: " << static_cast<void const*>(&bob.anna.get()) << "\n";
std::cout << "bob -> charlie: " << bob_charlie_lens.get(bob).id << "\n";
// Bob newbob = bob_charlie_lens.set(bob, Charlie{148});
Bob newbob = bob_charlie_lens.modify(bob, [] (auto &charlie) { += (148 - 77);
std::cout << "new bob -> anna: " << static_cast<void const*>(&bob.anna.get()) << "\n";
std::cout << "old bob -> charlie: " << bob_charlie_lens.get(bob).id << "\n";
std::cout << "new bob -> charlie: " << bob_charlie_lens.get(newbob).id << "\n";
Upvotes: 6