Reputation: 852
I have an Android game developed with LibGdx version 1.9.9, which I am trying to export in HTML. I am using GWT (V-2.8.2). The game is running well in Android and doesn't have any issues. While exporting the game by running this command ./gradlew html:dist
I am not getting any errors.
But when I am placing the exported library into the localhost and trying to access the game, first the default loader is appearing and then there is a blank screen with this error message:
GwtApplication: exception: (TypeError) : null is not an object (evaluating 'null.zY')
(TypeError) : null is not an object (evaluating 'null.zY')
This is happening in every browser - Safari, Chrome, Firefox.
The stack trace doesn't show any significant place of debug.
Any idea of what is the problem? Thanks.
HTML Gradle:
gwt {
gwtVersion='2.8.0' // Should match the gwt version used for building the gwt backend
maxHeapSize="2G" // Default 256m is not enough for gwt compiler. GWT is HUNGRY
src = files(file("src/")) // Needs to be in front of "modules" below.
modules 'com.package.gamename.GdxDefinition'
devModules 'com.package.gamename.GdxDefinitionSuperdev'
project.webAppDirName = 'webapp'
compiler {
strict = true;
disableCastChecking = true;
import org.wisepersist.gradle.plugins.gwt.GwtSuperDev
def HttpFileServer server = null
def httpFilePort = 8080
task startHttpServer () {
dependsOn draftCompileGwt
String output = project.buildDir.path + "/gwt/draftOut"
doLast {
copy {
from "webapp"
into output
copy {
from "war"
into output
server = new SimpleHttpFileServerFactory().start(new File(output), httpFilePort)
println "Server started in directory " + server.getContentRoot() + ", http://localhost:" + server.getPort()
task superDev (type: GwtSuperDev) {
dependsOn startHttpServer
doFirst {
gwt.modules = gwt.devModules
task dist(dependsOn: [clean, compileGwt]) {
doLast {
copy {
from "build/gwt/out"
into "build/dist"
copy {
from "webapp"
into "build/dist"
copy {
from "war"
into "build/dist"
task addSource {
doLast {
sourceSets.main.compileClasspath += files(project(':core').sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs)
sourceCompatibility = 1.6 = [ "src/" ]
eclipse.project {
name = appName + "-html"
Upvotes: 1
Views: 343
Reputation: 1791
Enter the superdev mode and activate source mapping and debugging and step through the source in Chrome, that's the way to find these problems.
Upvotes: 2