Reputation: 158
I have created two pareto charts in R, both using the same data. One using ggplots stat_pareto and the other with pareto.chart function from qcc library.
ggplot(DT4, aes(x = reorder(sap_object_type_desc, -sum_duration), y =
sum_duration)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1)) +
stat_pareto(point.color = "red",
point.size = 2,
line.color = "black",
#size.line = 1,
bars.fill = c("blue", "orange"))
Or using pareto.chart
ylab = "Sum",
# xlab = "Objective Type Description",
main = "Avector Pareto Chart",
cumperc = c(20,40,60,80,100)) # or = seq(0, 100, by =25)
What I would like to do is adjust the second y axis on both of the above plots so that the 100% cumulative percentage aligns with the highest bar, like the third example. Any suggestions?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2244
Reputation: 81
Here is a full example on how to do this, including all data treatment and titles etc. I hope it helps :)
counts <- c(0.2, 1.3,4.2,9.0,1.0,1.7,1.0,1.0,13.1)
tags <- c("BL11-a","BL-11b","BL-12","BL-13","BL-15","BL-16","BL-17","BL-18","Everything Else")
df <- data.frame(counts=counts,tags=tags,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- df[order(df$counts,decreasing=TRUE), ]
df$tags <- factor(df$tags, levels=df$tags)
df$cumulative <- cumsum(df$counts)
df$cumulative <- 100 * df$cumulative/tail(df$cumulative, n=1)
scaleRight <- tail(df$cumulative, n=1)/head(df$counts, n=1)
ggplot(df, aes(x=df$tags)) +
geom_bar(aes(y=df$counts), fill='deepskyblue4', stat="identity") +
geom_path(aes(y=df$cumulative/scaleRight, group=1),colour="red", size=0.9) +
geom_point(aes(y=df$cumulative/scaleRight, group=1),colour="red") +
scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*scaleRight, name = "Cumulative (%)")) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.6)) +
labs(title="Pareto Chart", subtitle="SNS Hyspec Background Contributions", x="Background Source", y=expression(Counts(~mu~Ah/~mu~s)))
Which produces:
Upvotes: 6