Reputation: 25
I have the following dataframe (79000 rows):
ID P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
1 38005 28002 38005 38005 28002 34002 NA NA
2 28002 28002 28002 38005 28002 NA NA NA
I want to count the number of times each number(code) appears in a row of dataframe. So the ouput something like this:
38005 appears 3 28002 appears 2 34002 appears 1 NA appears 2
28002 appears 3 38005 appears 1 28002 appears 1 NA appears 3
So far I tried to find the most frequent number (code):
df$frequency <-apply(df,1,function(x) names(which.max(table(x))))
But I don't know how to count the number of times each number(code) appears in a row.
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Views: 3190
Reputation: 40171
Using tidyverse
and reshape2
you can do:
df %>%
gather(var, val, -ID) %>% #Transforming the data from wide to long format
group_by(val, ID) %>% #Grouping
summarise(count = n()) %>% #Performing the count
dcast(ID~val, value.var = "count") #Reshaping the data
ID 28002 34002 38005 NA
1 1 2 1 3 2
2 2 4 NA 1 3
Showing the first two non-NA columns with the biggest count according ID:
df %>%
gather(var, val, -ID) %>% #Transforming the data from wide to long format
group_by(val, ID) %>% #Grouping
mutate(temp = n()) %>% #Performing the count
group_by(ID) %>% #Grouping
mutate(temp2 = dense_rank(temp)) %>% #Creating the rank based on count
group_by(ID, val) %>% #Grouping
summarise(temp3 = first(temp2), #Summarising
temp = first(temp)) %>%
arrange(ID, desc(temp3)) %>% #Arranging
na.omit() %>% #Deleting the rows with NA
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(temp4 = ifelse(temp3 == first(temp3) | temp3 == nth(temp3, 2), 1, 0)) %>% #Identifying the highest and the second highest count
filter(temp4 == 1) %>% #Selecting the highest and the second highest count
dcast(ID~val, value.var = "temp") #Reshaping the data
ID 28002 38005
1 1 2 3
2 2 4 1
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 27792
data.table solution
#read sample data
dt <- fread( "ID P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
1 38005 28002 38005 38005 28002 34002 NA NA
2 28002 28002 28002 38005 28002 NA NA NA")
dt.melt <- melt(dt, id = 1, measure = patterns("^P"), na.rm = FALSE)
#and cast
dcast( dt.melt, ID ~ value, fun = length, fill = 0 )
# ID 28002 34002 38005 NA
# 1: 1 2 1 3 2
# 2: 2 4 0 1 3
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Reputation: 73782
I think you're looking for this.
sort(table(unlist(df1[-1])), decreasing=TRUE)
# 31002 38005 24003 34002 28002
# 13222 13193 13019 13018 12625
This is, you're excluding column 1 that contains the IDs and "unlist" the rest of your data frame into a vector. The table()
then counts the appearance of each value, which you also can sort()
. Set option decreasing=TRUE
and the first two values are the two most frequent ones.
If the output is getting to long because of a lot of values, you can include the code into a head(.)
. The default length of the output is six, but you can limit it to two by specifying n=2
which gives you exactly what you want. No need for any packages.
head(sort(table(unlist(df1[-1])), decreasing=TRUE), n=2)
# 31002 38005
# 13222 13193
set.seed(42) # for sake of reproducibility
df1 <- data.frame(id=1:9750,
matrix(sample(c(38005, 28002, 34002, NA, 24003, 31002), 7.8e4,
replace=TRUE), nrow=9750,
dimnames=list(NULL, paste0("P", 1:8))))
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Reputation: 1443
ID <- c("P1","P2","P3","P4","P5","P6","P7","P8","P1","P2","P3","P4","P5","P6","P7","P8","P1")
count <-c("38005","28002","38005","38005","28002","34002","NA","NA","2","28002","28002","28002","38005","28002","NA","NA","NA")
Use this code to find out the count
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