Reputation: 597
I have a script which works in the current state but if you un-comment the count under group and try to do the count, it doesn't work, it errors, not entirely sure why. There are also additional problems mentioned below:
{"$match" : {"_id.object_category" : "revenue-transaction"}},
// include match for range of one year
// include match for company
// maybe include extra parameters like origin_category or origin_name from customer settings for metric
{"$unwind" : "$line_items"},
{"$match" : {"line_items.item_category":"sales-revenue"}},
{"$group" : {
"company" : "$",
"sum_by_date": { $substrBytes: [ "$_id.transaction_date", 0, 6 ] },
// 4 - by year
// 6 - by month
// 8 - by date
// 10 - by hour
// 12 - by minute
"category" : "$line_items.item_category",
"origin_category" : "$_id.object_origin_category",
"origin_type" : "$_id.object_origin_type",
"object_origin" : "$_id.object_origin"},
"metric_value" : { $sum: "$line_items.item_net_total_value" },
// { $count: "metric_volume" }
{"$project" : {
"" : "$",
"_id.metric_name" : {$literal : "revenue"},
"_id.metric_category" : {$literal : "sales"},
"_id.metric_type" : {$literal : "month"},
"_id.metric_lookup" : "$sum_by_date",
"_id.object_origin_category": "$_id.origin_category",
"_id.object_origin_type" : "$_id.object_origin_type",
"_id.object_origin" : "$_id.object_origin",
"metric_value" : "$metric_value"
// ,"metric_volume" : "$metric_volume"
I haven't used $count before and the mongoDb documentation isn't helping me.
The result I get in current form is:
"_id" : {
"metric_name" : "revenue",
"metric_category" : "sales",
"metric_type" : "month",
"object_origin_category" : "point-of-sale",
"object_origin" : "vend"
"metric_value" : 2099.9997
I am not getting company, but I know why, it doesn't exist in my data set.
I'm not sure why _id.object_origin_type isn't coming through yet category is
No idea why _id.metric_lookup isn't coming out either
Not metric_volume which comes from problematic $count
Here's an example origin document used by aggregation:
"_id" : {
"connection" : "cb1c4a56-1544-4e9d-a433-abb33429a300",
"transaction_date" : 20170714020700,
"transaction_date_utc" : "2017-07-14 02:07:00",
"object_class" : "goods-service-transaction",
"object_category" : "revenue-transaction",
"object_type" : "receipt",
"object_origin_category" : "point-of-sale",
"object_origin_type" : "offline",
"object_origin" : "vend",
"transaction_status" : "CLOSED",
"related_reference" : "41"
"object_creation_date" : "20181210120902",
"party_identifier" : "WALKIN",
"staff_identifier" : "02dcd191-ae2b-11e6-f485-7967ed9c6343",
"staff_name" : "[email protected]",
"line_items" : [
"item_name" : "Dress Shirt / Polyester / Large",
"item_system_id" : "02dcd191-ae20-11e6-f485-7967eef9a797",
"item_identifier" : "10024",
"item_category" : "sales-revenue",
"item_type" : "goods-service",
"item_quantity" : 1,
"item_net_unit_sale_value" : 61.3636,
"item_net_unit_discount_value" : 0,
"item_unit_tax_value" : 6.8182,
"item_net_total_value" : 61.3636,
"item_total_tax_value" : 6.81818,
"item_total_gross_value" : 68.18182
Thanks for your help. Matt
Upvotes: 0
Views: 282
Reputation: 83
$count is Aggregation Pipeline Stage you try use it as aggregation pipeline operator. You must put $count after $group and then you count num of groups(if you this neded) or simple use somthing like this "metric_volume":{$sum:1} (after _id declaration of course) for counting grouped documents.
Upvotes: 1