Reputation: 97
I created a linked list that stores integers. The program appears to run fine but Valgrind informs me that there is a memory leak. I am not sure how this is possible. The code is provided below along with the output and Valgrinds assesment. Thank you.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "linked_list.h"
int main( int argc, char* argv[ ] ){
int num = 0;
NODE head = NULL;
num = 7;
head = list_insert( head, num );
bytes_of_list( head );
head = list_insert( head, 9 );
bytes_of_list( head );
head = list_insert( head, 2 );
bytes_of_list( head );
head = list_insert( head, 8 );
bytes_of_list( head );
delete_node( head, 6 );
delete_node( head, 9 );
bytes_of_list( head );
print_list( head );
printf( "\n" );
linked_list_destroy( &head );
bytes_of_list( head );
return 0;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "linked_list.h"
#include "status.h"
struct node;
typedef struct node Node;
struct node{
int data;
Node* next;
typedef struct node Node;
/************************************************************** list insert */
NODE list_insert( NODE head, int data ){
Node* pNode = NULL;
printf( "\nInsert %d into list.\n", data );
pNode = ( Node* )malloc( sizeof( Node ));
if( !pNode ) exit( 1 );
pNode->data = data;
pNode->next = head;
return pNode;
/****************************************************** linked_list_destroy */
void linked_list_destroy( NODE* head ){
Node* phead = ( Node* )*head;
Node* prevNode = NULL;
printf( "\nDestroy List:\n");
if( !phead ) return;
while( phead != NULL ){
prevNode = phead;
phead = phead->next;
printf( "Deleting %d\n", prevNode->data );
prevNode->data = 0;
prevNode->next = NULL;
free( prevNode );
*head = NULL;
/*************************************************************** print_list */
void print_list( NODE head ){
Node* pHead = ( Node* )head;
printf( "\nPrint list:\n");
while( pHead != NULL ){
printf( "%d ", pHead->data );
pHead = pHead->next;
/*********************************************************** delete nodes */
void delete_node( NODE head, int data ){
Node* phead = ( Node* )head;
Node* prev = NULL;
printf( "\nDelete %d from list:\n", data );
if( !head ) return;
while(( phead != NULL ) && ( phead->data != data )){
prev = phead;
phead = phead->next;
if( !phead ) printf( "Sorry, %d is not in the list.\n", data);
prev->next = phead->next;
free( phead );
/********************************************************* bytes of list */
int bytes_of_list( NODE head ){
Node* phead = ( Node* )head;
int bytes_total = 0;
while( phead != NULL ){
bytes_total += sizeof( *phead );
phead = phead->next;
printf( "The current size of the list is %d bytes.\n", bytes_total );
return bytes_total;
#include "status.h"
typedef void* NODE;
NODE list_insert( NODE head, int data );
void print_list( NODE head );
void linked_list_destroy( NODE* head );
void delete_node( NODE head, int data );
Status in_list( NODE head, int data );
int bytes_of_list( NODE head );
enum status {FALSE, TRUE};
typedef enum status Status;
Output for this program is as follows:
Insert 7 into list.
The current size of the list is 16 bytes.
Insert 9 into list.
The current size of the list is 32 bytes.
Insert 2 into list.
The current size of the list is 48 bytes.
Insert 8 into list.
The current size of the list is 64 bytes.
Delete 6 from list:
Sorry, 6 is not in the list.
Delete 9 from list:
The current size of the list is 48 bytes.
Print list:
8 2 7
Destroy List:
Deleting 8
Deleting 2
Deleting 7
The current size of the list is 0 bytes.
==2758== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2758== in use at exit: 140,089 bytes in 1,198 blocks
==2758== total heap usage: 1,968 allocs, 770 frees, 283,758 bytes allocated
==2758== LEAK SUMMARY:
==2758== definitely lost: 10 bytes in 1 blocks
==2758== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2758== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2758== still reachable: 140,079 bytes in 1,197 blocks
==2758== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2758== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==2758== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==2758== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 364
Reputation: 16540
Here is a version of the posted code
And now, the proposed version of the code:
enum status {FALSE, TRUE};
typedef enum status Status;
//include "status.h"
#include <stdio.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct node Node;
Node* list_insert( Node *head, int data );
void print_list( Node *head );
void linked_list_destroy( Node** head );
void delete_node( Node** head, int data );
Status in_list( Node* head, int data );
void bytes_of_list( Node* head );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "linked_list.h"
int main( void )
int num = 0;
Node *head = NULL;
num = 7;
head = list_insert( head, num );
bytes_of_list( head );
head = list_insert( head, 9 );
bytes_of_list( head );
head = list_insert( head, 2 );
bytes_of_list( head );
head = list_insert( head, 8 );
bytes_of_list( head );
delete_node( &head, 6 );
delete_node( &head, 9 );
bytes_of_list( head );
print_list( head );
printf( "\n" );
linked_list_destroy( &head );
bytes_of_list( head );
return 0;
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include "linked_list.h"
//#include "status.h"
/************************************************************** list insert */
Node *list_insert( Node *head, int data )
printf( "\nInsert %d into list.\n", data );
Node *pNode = malloc( sizeof( Node ));
if( !pNode )
perror( "malloc failed" );
exit( 1 );
pNode->data = data;
pNode->next = head;
return pNode;
/****************************************************** linked_list_destroy */
void linked_list_destroy( Node** head )
Node* phead = *head;
Node* prevNode = NULL;
printf( "\nDestroy List:\n");
while( phead )
prevNode = phead;
phead = phead->next;
printf( "Deleting %d\n", prevNode->data );
prevNode->data = 0;
prevNode->next = NULL;
free( prevNode );
*head = NULL;
/*************************************************************** print_list */
void print_list( Node *head )
Node* pHead = head;
printf( "\nPrint list:\n");
while( pHead )
printf( "%d ", pHead->data );
pHead = pHead->next;
/*********************************************************** delete nodes */
void delete_node( Node **head, int data )
Node* phead = *head;
Node* prev = NULL;
printf( "\nDelete %d from list:\n", data );
//if( !head ) return;
while(( phead ) && ( phead->data != data ))
prev = phead;
phead = phead->next;
if( !phead )
printf( "Sorry, %d is not in the list.\n", data);
prev->next = phead->next;
free( phead );
/********************************************************* bytes of list */
void bytes_of_list( Node* head )
Node* phead = head;
size_t bytes_total = 0;
while( phead )
bytes_total += sizeof( *phead );
phead = phead->next;
printf( "The current size of the list is %lu bytes.\n", bytes_total );
//return bytes_total;
Upvotes: 1