Reputation: 33
I'm coding a text game where the user input is compared to the list of commands available in a text file I have.
It works fine, but I want it to loop so the user can do multiple actions before entering the command which breaks the loop and moves the program along. Unfortunately my file pointer becomes NULL
on the second iteration of the loop and thus breaks out of the program entirely.
Indentation is a bit confusing, for which I apologize:
int mansionOutside(void)
int stop = 1; //control variable for while, yeah I know its a shit method of doing it, sue me
char choice[25]; //Variable to store user input
char word_match[15] = "outside"; //counter and .txt will be strcat to it
char text_line[73]; //size of line for txt files
char line1[25]; //takes current line being read from file
char temp[2]; //character and '\0' so counter can be made into a string and strcat into word_match
int counter = 1; //counts number of lines
int stop2 = 1;
while (stop2 == 1)
FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("mansion_commands.txt", "r"); //opens file
int lookdoor_counter = 0;
printf("%p\n", fptr);
if (fptr == NULL)
perror("ERROR!"); //Error handling for not opening file
while (stop == 1)
puts(""); //newline, as the previous function ends in a text line
fgets(choice, sizeof choice, stdin); //store input in choice with buffer overflow protection
while (fgets(line1, 25, fptr) != NULL) //reads until newline
if (strcmp(line1, choice) == 0) //if choice is equal to the current line
//printf("%s\n", line1); //debugging print
if (strcmp(line1, "LOOK door") == 0)
lookdoor_counter++; //so that on entering LOOK door a second time, a different
//message will appear
stop = 0; // will exit from loop
break; //break ensures we can use the current counter value for later
//printf("%s + %s\n", line1, choice); //debugging
if (stop == 1)
printf("I dont understand\n");
//printf("%d\n", counter);
//printf("%s\n", line1);
//printf("%s\n", choice);
counter = 1; //counter is reset to be able to try again
if (lookdoor_counter == 2)
counter += 1;
counter = counter + '0'; //convert counter digit to its equivalent ascii
temp[0] = counter;
temp[1] = '\0'; //temp becomes a string with counter and EOF char
//printf("%c\n", counter);
strncat(word_match, temp , 1); //wordmatch gets counter strncat to it
strcat(word_match, ".txt"); /*If the string is found on the second line
word_match will be (outside2.txt), which contains the appropriate
message for that user command*/
//printf("%s\n", word_match); //debugging
if (strcmp(word_match, "outside4.txt") == 0)
stop2 = 0;
fptr = fopen(word_match, "r"); //we open word_match file
if (fptr == NULL)
printf("ERROR!\n"); //error handling
//printf("Debugging : File opened Successfully\n");
while (fgets (text_line, 72, fptr) != NULL)
printf("%s", text_line); // Prints every Line with a 2 sec delay
return 1;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 476
Reputation: 442
fptr = fopen("mansion_commands.txt", "r"); //opens file
if (!fptr)perror("fopen");
add this if condition and look that for the what is the actual error. Maybe you do not have permission on the fs or the path is not true, etc...
Upvotes: 2