Reputation: 13
The objective of the program is to interpret hockey statistics from a file using StreamReader and then display an added column of points. The following code kinda does so, however it’s ineffective in the sense that it doesn’t add the points value to the array - it separately outputs it. Looking for assistance as to how it would be possible to incorporate the points value into aryTextFile();
Dim hockeyFile, LineOfText, aryTextFile() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim nameText(), NumberText(), goalsText(), assistsText(), GamesWonText() As String
Dim IntAssists(), IntGoals(), PointsText() As Single
hockeyFile = "C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\hockey.txt" 'state location of file
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(hockeyFile) 'objReader can read hockeyFile
For i = 0 To objReader.Peek() <> -1 'reads each line seperately, ends when there is no more data to read
LineOfText = objReader.ReadLine 'stores seperate lines of data in HockeyFile into LineofText
aryTextFile = LineOfText.Split(",") 'takes lines and converts data into array
Name = aryTextFile(0) 'first piece of data in lines of text is the name
nameText(i) = aryTextFile(0)
If nameText(0) = "Name" Then
TextBox1.Text = LineOfText & ", Points." & vbCrLf 'displays first line fo text and adds "Points" label
End If
If Name <> "Name" Then 'when second line starts, then begin to intepret data
NumberText(i) = aryTextFile(1)
assistsText(i) = aryTextFile(2) 'assists are in third value of array
goalsText(i) = aryTextFile(3) 'goals are in fourth value of array
GamesWonText(i) = aryTextFile(4)
IntAssists(i) = Val(assistsText(i)) 'since our assists value is a string by default, it must be converted to a integer
IntGoals(i) = Val(goalsText(i)) 'since our goals value is a string by default, it must be converted to a integer
PointsText(i) = (IntGoals(i) * 2) + (IntAssists(i)) 'goals are two points, assists are one point
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & NumberText(i) & assistsText(i) & goalsText(i) & GamesWonText(i) & PointsText(i) & vbCrLf 'Displays points as last value in each line
End If
Next i
Upvotes: 1
Views: 102
Reputation: 415790
VS2008 is ancient, especially when later versions of Visual Studio are free. I felt like showing an implementation using more-recent code. Like others, I strongly support building a class for this. The difference is my class is a little smarter, using the Factory pattern for creating instances and a Property to compute Points
as needed:
Public Class HockeyPlayer
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Number As String
Public Property Assists As Integer
Public Property Goals As Integer
Public Property Wins As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property Points As Integer
Return (Goals * 2) + Assists
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Function FromCSVLine(line As String) As HockeyPlayer
Dim parts() As String = line.Split(",")
Return New HockeyPlayer With {
.Name = parts(0),
.Number = parts(1),
.Assists = CInt(parts(2)),
.Goals = CInt(parts(3)),
.Wins = CInt(parts(4))
End Function
End Class
Dim hockeyFile As String = "C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\hockey.txt"
Dim players = File.ReadLines(hockeyFile).Skip(1).
Select(Function(line) HockeyPlayer.FromCSVLine(line)).
ToList() 'ToList() is optional, but I included it since you asked about an array
Dim result As New StringBuilder("Name, Number, Assists, Goals, Wins, Points")
For Each player In players
result.AppendLine($"{player.Name}, {player.Number}, {player.Assists}, {player.Goals}, {player.Wins}, {player.Points}")
Next player
TextBox1.Text = result.ToString()
I was gonna give you VS 2008 version afterward, but looking at this, the only thing here you couldn't do already even by VS 2010 was string interpolation... you really should upgrade.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 15091
Parallel arrays are really not the way to handle this. Create a class or structure to organize the data. Then create a list of the class. The list can be set as the DataSource
of a DataGridView
which will display your data in nice columns with headings matching the names of your properties in the Hockey class. You can easily order your data in the HockeyList by any of the properties of Hockey.
Public Class Hockey
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Number As String
Public Property Goals As Integer
Public Property Assists As Integer
Public Property Points As Integer
Public Property GamesWon As Integer
End Class
Private HockeyList As New List(Of Hockey)
Private Sub FillListAndDisplay()
Dim path = "C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\hockey.txt"
Dim Lines() = File.ReadAllLines(path)
For Each line As String In Lines
Dim arr() = line.Split(","c)
Dim h As New Hockey()
h.Name = arr(0)
h.Number = arr(1)
h.Assists = CInt(arr(2).Trim)
h.Goals = CInt(arr(3).Trim)
h.GamesWon = CInt(arr(4).Trim)
h.Points = h.Goals * 2 + h.Assists
Dim orderedList = (From scorer In HockeyList Order By scorer.Points Ascending Select scorer).ToList
DataGridView1.DataSource = orderedList
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2370
This should get you pretty close:
It'll need extra validation. It doesn't take into account whatever value you have between the name and the goals.
Private Sub ProcessHockeyStats()
Dim inputFile As String = "c:\temp\hockey.txt"
Dim outputFile As String = "c:\temp\output.txt"
If Not File.Exists(inputFile) Then
MessageBox.Show("Missing input file")
End If
If File.Exists(outputFile) Then
End If
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(inputFile)
Dim output As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
Dim firstLine As Boolean = True
For Each line As String In lines
Dim values() As String = line.Split(","c)
Dim points As Integer
If firstLine Then
output.Add("Name, Assists, Goals, Points")
firstLine = False
'needs validation for values
points = CInt(values(1) * 2) + CInt(values(2))
output.Add(String.Concat(line, ",", points))
End If
File.WriteAllLines("c:\temp\outfile.txt", output)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("Error occurred: ", ex.Message))
End Try
End Sub
Upvotes: 1