I have the following number strings:
Textbox1.text / or Textbox1.Line= 1,2,3,19,29,78,48,39,40,51,53,54,69,70,71,73
Textbox2.text= / or Textbox2.Line= 1,9,3,31,29,78,45,39,40,51,59,54,69,70,71,73
textbox3.text= / or TextBox3.Line= 11,4,3,31,29,78,45,39,40,53,59,54,6974,75,76
and Others ...
How can I make a Count that shows how many numbers from 1 to 10 are in the Textbox, how many numbers from 11-20, how many numbers from 31-40, and so on. Example: On line 1 - we will have 3 small numbers from 1 to 10 (1,2,3).
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To do this You will have to split the string into an array or list then compare the values in the array or list to the numbers you want. like this
Dim arr1 As New List (Of String)
arr1.AddRange(Split (TextBox1.Text, ","))
Dim final As String
Dim count As Integer = 0
For Each item As String In arr1
If CInt(item) >= 1 And CInt(item) <= 10 Then
'replace 10 with the maximum number you want and 1 with the minimum number.
final&=item & " "
End If
Msgbox("There are " & count & "numbers" & final)
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You can easily convert a string containing a comma-separated list of integers into a string array like this
Dim s = "1,2,3,19,29,78,48,39,40,51,53,54,69,70,71,73"
Dim parts = s.Split(","c)
Then convert the string array into a list of integers
Dim numbers = New List(Of Integer)
For Each p As String In parts
Dim i As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(p, i) Then
End If
Now comes the counting part. With LINQ you can write
Dim tens = From n In numbers
Group n By Key = (n - 1) \ 10 Into Group
Order By Key
Select Text = $"{ 10 * Key + 1} - {10 * Key + 10}", Count = Group.Count()
For Each x In tens
Console.WriteLine($"{x.Text} --> {x.Count}")
1 - 10 --> 3
11 - 20 --> 1
21 - 30 --> 1
31 - 40 --> 2
41 - 50 --> 1
51 - 60 --> 3
61 - 70 --> 2
71 - 80 --> 3
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