I want to integrate vavr validation library in my command dto's in a way that when command dto is deserialized from request, return type of the static factory will be Try but jackson is throwing following error :
Type definition error: [simple type, class]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance of
(no Creators, like default construct, exist): cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate- or property-based Creator)
Here is FooCommand
@AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public final class FooCommand {
private String foo;
private String bar;
public static Try<FooCommand> of(
@JsonProperty("foo") String foo,
@JsonProperty("bar") String bar
) {
return Try.of(() -> {
//Validate values
I am using spring 5 and it's annotated to deserialize request body automatically into controller parameter. Is something like this possible ? Thanks in advance.
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I had a similar problem that I fixed by using Converters: Using Jackson, how can I deserialize values using static factory methods that return wrappers with a generic type?
I haven't yet found how to apply the converters automatically, so you have to annotate every occurrence of the wrapped type in your requests.
public class Request {
@JsonDeserialize(converter = FooCommandConverter.class)
Try<FooCommand> command;
You can write a Converter like so:
public class FooCommandConverter
extends StdConverter<FooCommandConverter.DTO, Try<FooCommand>> {
public Try<FooCommand> convert(FooCommandConverter.DTO dto) {
return FooCommand.of(,
public static class DTO {
public String foo;
public String bar;
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