Robert Felizardo
Robert Felizardo

Reputation: 11

Verification method not firing after second ClientHello with OpenSSL memory BIOs

I am writing a native DTLS module for NodeJS using OpenSSL. It uses memory BIOs so node's own sockets can be used to control the flow of data. Everything seems to be working but I am running into some problems with the DOS mitigation.

According to the spec, the initial ClientHello sent to the server should be rejected and the server will send a HelloVerifyRequest containing a cookie to be resent back from the client. This all works fine but when the client sends back the second ClientHello, for some reason the DTLSv1_listen() call is causing my cookie generation method to fire a second time instead of the cookie verification method. Strangely enough, if I send back the second HelloVerifyRequest (exact same length and content as the first) I end up with a ClientHello that seems to trigger the verification method.

Here's a small test I've written to illustrate the kind of thing I'm doing (not exactly, skipped some stuff like importing the cert/key, result code checking for read/writes after calling handshake, freeing memory etc).

TEST(New, Test) {
    // Init context
    auto ctx = SSL_CTX_new(DTLS_method());
    SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH");
    SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, [](int ok, X509_STORE_CTX * context) { return 1; });
    SSL_CTX_set_cookie_generate_cb(ctx, [](SSL * ssl, unsigned char * cookie, unsigned int * cookie_len) { 
        return 1; 
    SSL_CTX_set_cookie_verify_cb(ctx, [](SSL * ssl, const unsigned char * cookie, unsigned int cookie_len) { 
        return 1; 

    // Init connections
    auto client = SSL_new(ctx);
    auto client_rbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    auto client_wbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    SSL_set_bio(client, client_rbio, client_wbio);

    auto server = SSL_new(ctx);
    auto server_rbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    auto server_wbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    SSL_set_bio(server, server_rbio, server_wbio);

    std::vector<unsigned char> data;

    // Client Hello, no cookie
    auto data_len = BIO_ctrl_pending(client_wbio);
    BIO_read(client_wbio,, data.size());

    ASSERT_EQ(data[13], 1);

    // Hello Verify Request
    BIO_write(server_rbio,, data.size());
    DTLSv1_listen(server, NULL);
    data_len = BIO_ctrl_pending(server_wbio);
    BIO_read(server_wbio,, data.size());

    ASSERT_EQ(data[13], 3);

    // Client Hello, with cookie
    BIO_write(client_rbio,, data.size());
    data_len = BIO_ctrl_pending(client_wbio);
    BIO_read(client_wbio,, data.size());

    ASSERT_EQ(data[13], 1);

    // Should be pass...?
    BIO_write(server_rbio,, data.size());
    ASSERT_EQ(DTLSv1_listen(server, NULL), 1);

The last assert fails -- it is -1 in this example, 0 in my actual code (and subsequent BIO_read gets me data[13]=3 aka HelloVerifyRequest) but the important thing to note here is that if you attach a debugger and put a breakpoint on the verification lambda it will not be hit.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 381

Answers (3)

Achim Kraus
Achim Kraus

Reputation: 849

Let me try to de-mystify the CLIENT_HELLO - HELLO_VERIFY_REQUEST

RFC6347 - Denial-of-Service Countermeasures

explains, that, though a CLIENT_HELLO may be spoofed, a HELLO_VERIFY_REQUEST is used to proof, that the client really listen the address. Therefore the server creates a cookie, using the data from the CLIENT_HELLO, the client IP-address and port, and a server secret.

Cookie = HMAC(Secret, Client-IP, Client-Parameters)

The server doesn’t store that cookie, otherwise a mass spoofing would require a lot of memory. Therefore the server recalculates the cookie every time, a CLIENT_HELLO is received. If the CLIENT_HELLO contains a cookie, that is compared against the newly calculated one. That new calculated cookie may now differ, if the CLIENT_HELLO has changed anything else then the cookie. That includes, that also the client IP (address+port) must be unchanged. The cookie may in some rare cases also differ, if the server updates his secret according the recommendation of RFC6347

One potential attack on this scheme is for the attacker to collect a number of cookies from different addresses and then reuse them to attack the server. The server can defend against this attack by changing the Secret value frequently, thus invalidating those cookies.

With that, check, if your CLIENT_HELLO is changed (may be just the source-port is changed), or the server updates the secret too frequently. If you can provide some wireshark captures, I may assist you.

Upvotes: 1

Matthew Goulart
Matthew Goulart

Reputation: 3065

In my experience, you have to provide a BIO_addr to DTLSv1_listen. In your case, you are passing NULL. I also thought this would work, but alas, it does not!

Upvotes: 0

Yulian Oifa
Yulian Oifa

Reputation: 125

You could try using nodejs-dtls

Sample usage can be found in IOTBroker. cloud nodejs client

Take a look at CoAP and MQTT-SN protocols


Yulian Oifa

Mobius Software

Upvotes: 0

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