Reputation: 17
I'm trying to write a add query that will change depending on the parameter. I have several queries:
My criteria should change depending on the value entered for the parameter "qryKioskNum" when the query is run.
Currently my criteria is this:
>Max("[LastK" & [qryKioskNum] & "StatDate]![K" & [qryKioskNum] & "LastDate]")
qryKioskNum is type Short Text
It keeps giving me the error "The expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated."
Here is the complete SQL statement for this query:
PARAMETERS qryKioskNum Short;
INSERT INTO K1DispRejStat ( K1StatDate, K1BillCount1, K1BillCount2,
K1BillCount3, K1BillCount4, K1BillCount5, K1BillCount6, K1BillRej1,
K1BillRej2, K1BillRej3, K1BillRej4, K1BillRej5, K1BillRej6 )
SELECT DateValue([responseFrames]![dispDateTime]) AS [Date],
Sum(responseFrames.billCount1) AS SumOfbillCount1,
Sum(responseFrames.billCount2) AS SumOfbillCount2,
Sum(responseFrames.billCount3) AS SumOfbillCount3,
Sum(responseFrames.billCount4) AS SumOfbillCount4,
Sum(responseFrames.billCount5) AS SumOfbillCount5,
Sum(responseFrames.billCount6) AS SumOfbillCount6,
Sum(responseFrames.BillRej1) AS SumOfBillRej1, Sum(responseFrames.BillRej2)
AS SumOfBillRej2, Sum(responseFrames.BillRej3) AS SumOfBillRej3,
Sum(responseFrames.BillRej4) AS SumOfBillRej4, Sum(responseFrames.billRej5)
AS SumOfbillRej5, Sum(responseFrames.billRej6) AS SumOfbillRej6
FROM responseFrames, LastK1StatDate
WHERE (((responseFrames.kioskID)="K1"))
GROUP BY DateValue([responseFrames]![dispDateTime])
HAVING (((DateValue([responseFrames]![dispDateTime]))>Max("[LastK" &
[qryKioskNum] & "StatDate]![K1LastDate]")))
ORDER BY DateValue([responseFrames]![dispDateTime]);
currently everything is set to "K1" but I would like all reference to K1 to be dynamic
I think it is just a syntax issue but can't find how exactly this should be typed out.
Any help is great. Thanks!
*edited for clarity
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Views: 51
Reputation: 1959
In msaccess, create a PassThru query (because it retains the multi-line nice format).
Create // QueryDesign // Close // rightClick // SQLSpecific // PassThru
Paste in the following sql.
INSERT INTO kxxdisprejstat
SELECT Datevalue([responseframes] ! [dispdatetime]) AS [Date],
SUM(responseframes.billcount1) AS SumOfbillCount1,
SUM(responseframes.billcount2) AS SumOfbillCount2,
SUM(responseframes.billcount3) AS SumOfbillCount3,
SUM(responseframes.billcount4) AS SumOfbillCount4,
SUM(responseframes.billcount5) AS SumOfbillCount5,
SUM(responseframes.billcount6) AS SumOfbillCount6,
SUM(responseframes.billrej1) AS SumOfBillRej1,
SUM(responseframes.billrej2) AS SumOfBillRej2,
SUM(responseframes.billrej3) AS SumOfBillRej3,
SUM(responseframes.billrej4) AS SumOfBillRej4,
SUM(responseframes.billrej5) AS SumOfbillRej5,
SUM(responseframes.billrej6) AS SumOfbillRej6
FROM responseframes,
WHERE (( ( responseframes.kioskid ) = "kxx" ))
GROUP BY Datevalue([responseframes] ! [dispdatetime])
HAVING (( ( Datevalue([responseframes] ! [dispdatetime]) )
> Max([lastkxxstatdate]![kxxlastdate]) ))
ORDER BY Datevalue([responseframes] ! [dispdatetime]);
Name it kxxInsert (or some such, using kxx to say that it is generalized).
Then add this to the program
Sub getKxx()
Dim qrykiosknum As Integer ' temp here to have something
qrykiosknum = 3 ' temp here for an example
Dim kxxSQL As String, strSQL As String
kxxSQL = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("kxxInsert").SQL
strSQL = Replace(kxxSQL, "kxx", "k" & qrykiosknum)
'MsgBox (strSQL) ' it is too big to see all of it
Debug.Print strSQL
' then run strSQL
End Sub
Having dynamic tablename in MSAccess or MSSQLServer is possible when the Replace is done before executing the SQL.
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Reputation: 3351
I doubt you can make this work by using a query with a parameter. You are much better off using VBA. Use InputBox
to get the variable portion of the query and DoCmd.RunSQL
to run the query.
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