Reputation: 743
I am migrating a list of files to a new place and part of the process is to check if they were correctly copied before deleting original files.
Initially I have a list.txt that has absolute paths to original files and I generate a file that has md5 of original files:
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /dir1/file
Now I need to validate these hashes against the hashes of files in second directory.
My approach is to first change /dir1 to /dir2 in the text file then run:
md5sum -c list.txt
My question: Is there a way to run this last command without having to manually change all strings in list.txt to point to dir2:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1040
Reputation: 15205
This should work for you (assuming you're sitting in the right place in the filesystem):
sed 's/dir1/dir2/' list.txt | md5sum -c
Upvotes: 2