
Reputation: 21639

How to create fireworks particle graphics effect on android

Anybody has any idea how to make a fireworks effect by drawing on canvas? There is one nice example in wireworks live wallpaper (free app).

There, many points move and leave trails in a star like explosion and gradually disappear. I think that there is some kind of motion blur on each point moving, which I am not sure how to create.

Any ideas or links to relevant examples are welcome.

Upvotes: 25

Views: 32631

Answers (3)



import java.util.Random;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;

enum AnimateState
    asReady, asRunning, asPause;

class Rocket
    public boolean sleep = true;

    private float energy, length, mx, my, gravity, ox, oy, x, y, t;
    private float vx[], vy[];
    private int patch, red, green, blue;
    private Random random;

    public Rocket( int a, int b, int g )
        mx = a;
        my = b;
        gravity = g;

    public void init( int e, int p, int l, long seed )
        energy = e;
        patch = p + 20;
        length = l;

        random = new Random( seed );

        vx = new float[patch];
        vy = new float[patch];

        red = ( int )( random.nextFloat() * 128 ) + 128;
        blue = ( int )( random.nextFloat() * 128 ) + 128;
        green = ( int )( random.nextFloat() * 128 ) + 128;

        ox = ( random.nextFloat() * mx / 2 ) + mx / 4;
        oy = ( random.nextFloat() * my / 2 ) + my / 4;

        for( int i = 0; i < patch; ++i )
            vx[i] = ( ( random.nextFloat() + random.nextFloat() / 2 ) * energy ) - energy / ( random.nextInt( 2 ) + 1 );
            vy[i] = ( ( random.nextFloat() + random.nextFloat() / 2 ) * energy * 7 / 8 ) - energy / ( random.nextInt( 5 ) + 4 );

    public void start()
        t = 0;
        sleep = false;

    public void doDraw( Canvas canvas, Paint paint )
        if ( ! sleep )
            if ( t < length )
                int i, cr, cg, cb;
                double s;

                cr = ( int )( random.nextDouble() * 64 ) - 32 + red;
                cg = ( int )( random.nextDouble() * 64 ) - 32 + green;
                cb = ( int )( random.nextDouble() * 64 ) - 32 + blue;

                if ( cr >= 0 && cr <= 256 )
                    red = cr;
                if ( cg >= 0 && cg <= 256 )
                    green = cg;
                if ( cb >= 0 && cb <= 256 )
                    blue = cb;

                int _red = red == 256 ? 255 : red;
                int _green = green == 256 ? 255 : green;
                int _blue = blue == 256 ? 255 : blue;

                int color = Color.rgb( _red, _green, _blue );

                paint.setColor( color );

                for ( i = 0; i < patch; ++i )
                    s = ( double )t / 100;
                    x = ( int )( vx[i] * s );
                    y = ( int )( vy[i] * s - gravity * s * s );

                    canvas.drawCircle( ox + x, oy - y, 2f, paint );

                paint.setColor( Color.BLACK );

                for ( i = 0; i < patch; ++i )
                    if ( t >= length / 2 )
                        for ( int j = 0; j < 2; ++j )
                            s = ( double ) ( ( t - length / 2 ) * 2 + j ) / 100;
                            x = ( int )( vx[i] * s );
                            y = ( int )( vy[i] * s - gravity * s * s );

                            canvas.drawCircle( ox + x, oy - y, 2f, paint );

                sleep = true;

class Fireworks
     * Maximum number of rockets.
    public int MaxRocketNumber = 9;
     * Controls "energy" of firwork explosion. Default value 850.
    public int MaxRocketExplosionEnergy = 950;
     * Controls the density of the firework burst. Larger numbers give higher density.
     * Default value 90.
    public int MaxRocketPatchNumber = 90;
     * Controls the radius of the firework burst. Larger numbers give larger radius.
     * Default value 68.
    public int MaxRocketPatchLength = 68;

     * Controls gravity of the firework simulation.
     * Default value 400.
    public int Gravity = 400;

    transient private Rocket rocket[];
    transient private boolean rocketsCreated = false;

    private int width;
    private int height;

    Fireworks( int width, int height )
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

    void createRockets()
        rocketsCreated = true;

        Rocket tempRocket[] = new Rocket[MaxRocketNumber];

        for ( int i = 0; i < MaxRocketNumber; i++ )
            tempRocket[i] = new Rocket( width, height, Gravity );

        rocket = tempRocket;

    public synchronized void reshape( int width, int height )
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

        rocketsCreated = false;

    public void doDraw( Canvas canvas, Paint paint )
        canvas.drawColor( Color.BLACK );

        int i, e, p, l;
        long s;

        boolean sleep;

        if ( ! rocketsCreated )

        if ( rocketsCreated )
            sleep = true;

            for ( i = 0; i < MaxRocketNumber; i++ )
                sleep = sleep && rocket[i].sleep;

            for ( i = 0; i < MaxRocketNumber; ++i )
                e = ( int )( Math.random() * MaxRocketExplosionEnergy * 3 / 4 ) + MaxRocketExplosionEnergy / 4 + 1;
                p = ( int )( Math.random() * MaxRocketPatchNumber * 3 / 4 ) + MaxRocketPatchNumber / 4 + 1;
                l = ( int )( Math.random() * MaxRocketPatchLength * 3 / 4 ) + MaxRocketPatchLength / 4 + 1;
                s = ( long )( Math.random() * 10000 );

                Rocket r = rocket[i];
                if ( r.sleep && Math.random() * MaxRocketNumber * l < 2 ) 
                    r.init( e, p, l, s );

                if ( rocketsCreated )
                    r.doDraw( canvas, paint );

public class FireworkLayout extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback

    class GameThread extends Thread
        private boolean mRun = false;

        private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;
        private AnimateState state;
        private Context context;
        private Handler handler;
        private Paint paint;
        Fireworks fireworks;

        GameThread( SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, Context context, Handler handler )
            this.surfaceHolder = surfaceHolder;
            this.context = context;
            this.handler = handler;

            fireworks = new Fireworks( getWidth(), getHeight() );

            paint = new Paint();
            paint.setStrokeWidth( 2 / getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density );
            paint.setColor( Color.BLACK );
            paint.setAntiAlias( true );

        public void doStart()
            synchronized ( surfaceHolder )
                setState( AnimateState.asRunning );

        public void pause()
            synchronized ( surfaceHolder )
                if ( state == AnimateState.asRunning )
                    setState( AnimateState.asPause );

        public void unpause()
            setState( AnimateState.asRunning );

        public void run()
            while ( mRun )
                Canvas c = null;
                    c = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas( null );

                    synchronized ( surfaceHolder )
                        if ( state == AnimateState.asRunning )
                            doDraw( c );
                    if ( c != null )
                        surfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost( c );

        public void setRunning( boolean b )
            mRun = b;

        public void setState( AnimateState state )
            synchronized ( surfaceHolder )
                this.state = state;

        public void doDraw( Canvas canvas )
            fireworks.doDraw( canvas, paint );

        public void setSurfaceSize( int width, int height )
            synchronized ( surfaceHolder )
                fireworks.reshape( width, height );

    private GameThread thread;

    @SuppressLint( "HandlerLeak" )
    public FireworkLayout( Context context )
        super( context );

        SurfaceHolder holder = getHolder();
        holder.addCallback( this );

        getHolder().addCallback( this );

        thread = new GameThread( holder, context, new Handler() {
            public void handleMessage( Message m ) {

            }} );

        setFocusable( true );

    public void surfaceChanged( SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height )
        thread.setSurfaceSize( width, height );

    public void surfaceCreated( SurfaceHolder holder )
        thread.setRunning( true );

    public void surfaceDestroyed( SurfaceHolder holder )
        boolean retry = true;
        thread.setRunning( false );

        while ( retry )
                retry = false;
            catch ( InterruptedException e )


    firework = new FireworkView( this );
    LinearLayout surface = (LinearLayout) findViewById( );
    surface.addView( firework );

Upvotes: 18


Reputation: 3996

I just released the v1.1 of a library that does particle system for normal android views:

I know the question is quite old, and you probably had implemented it yourself, but in case you are still interested on using a library, check it out.

Upvotes: 35


Reputation: 26925

That's a very abstract (and interesting) question but far too complex to answer in details.

What you're really looking for is probably a sort of a modified particle system. A particle system is basically an engine for particles that includes a physics engine.

However, what you should focus on are these:

Once you built it (or gotten an understanding about it) you can easily convert it to the Canvas system, although OpenGL is the preferable alternative.

Upvotes: 11

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