
Reputation: 21

Dynamic compile time mixins

I'm trying to come up with a way to define dynamic mixins at compile time. I currently have a very hacky solution that only partially does what I want, but I'm not sure how to improve it.

I'm aware of some more C++ like solutions using typelist's, but they require all of the types to be defined statically which I'm trying to avoid.

This is mostly just a thought exercise to learn C++ better, and I'm sure that my current implementation is not very good C++. Any suggestions for improvements or different ideas to try would be welcome.

The main problems with my current implementation are:

I apologize for the length, but this is the most simplified example I could come up with.

Thanks for any help.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class Underlying>
struct Printer
    Printer(const Underlying &val) : val_(val) {}

    Underlying get_val() { return val_; }

    Underlying val_;

    MixinCount<0, __LINE__>::value

    template<int id>                                               \
    struct MixinClassCounter< CURRENT_NUMBER_MIXED_IN_CLASSES(), id>    \
    {                                                                   \
        static const bool is_defined = true;                            \

template< bool b, typename i, typename j >
struct select_value;

template<class i, class j>
struct select_value<true, i, j>
    static const int value = i::value;

template<class i, class j>
struct select_value<false, i, j>
    static const int value = j::value;

template<int i>
struct IntToVal
    static const int value = i;

    template<int count, int id>
    struct MixinClassCounter
        static const bool is_defined = false;

    template<int count, int id>
    struct MixinCount
        static const int value = select_value<MixinClassCounter<count, id>::is_defined,
                                              MixinCount<count + 1, id>,
                                              IntToVal<count> >::value;

    template<class Underlying, int i>
    struct MixinBuilder {};

    template<class Underlying>
    struct MixinBuilder<Underlying, 0>
        typedef Printer<Underlying> type;

#define DECLARE_MIXIN_BEGIN(name) \
    template<class Base> \
    struct name : Base   \
    {                    \
        template<class Underlying>                  \
        name(const Underlying &val) : Base(val) {}

#define DECLARE_MIXIN_END(name)                 \
    };                                          \
    namespace                                   \
    {                                               \
        template<class Underlying>                                         \
        struct MixinBuilder<Underlying, CURRENT_NUMBER_MIXED_IN_CLASSES()> \
        {                                                                   \
            typedef name< typename MixinBuilder<Underlying, CURRENT_NUMBER_MIXED_IN_CLASSES() - 1>::type > type; \
        };                                                                  \
        INCREMENT_MIXIN_CLASS_COUNTER();                                    \
    }                                                                       \

void print_once()
    cout << Base::get_val() << endl;

void print_twice()
    cout << Base::get_val() << endl;
    cout << Base::get_val() << endl;

template<class T>
typename MixinBuilder<T, CURRENT_NUMBER_MIXED_IN_CLASSES() - 1>::type make_mixed(const T &val)
    return typename MixinBuilder<T, CURRENT_NUMBER_MIXED_IN_CLASSES() - 1>::type(val);

int main()
    string test("this is a test");
    auto printable_string = make_mixed(test);


Upvotes: 2

Views: 811

Answers (1)


Reputation: 360

Here's a cleaner solution without macros:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;

template <typename T>
struct RefWrapper
    T *self;
    RefWrapper () : self (nullptr) {abort ();} // should never be called
    RefWrapper (T &self) : self (&self) {}

template <typename T>
struct PrintOnce : virtual RefWrapper<T>
    PrintOnce () {}             // workaround gcc 4.6 bug
    void print_once () {cout << *RefWrapper<T>::self << endl;}

template <typename T>
struct PrintTwice : virtual RefWrapper<T>
    PrintTwice () {}            // workaround gcc 4.6 bug
    void print_twice ()
        cout << *RefWrapper<T>::self << endl;
        cout << *RefWrapper<T>::self << endl;

template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct Mixed : Args...
    Mixed (T &self) :
        RefWrapper<T> (self),
        Args ()... {}

    Mixed (const Mixed &copy) :
        RefWrapper<T> (*copy.self),
        Args ()... {}

template <template <typename U> class Mixin, typename T>
Mixed<T, Mixin<T> > add_mixin (T &original)
    return Mixed<T, Mixin<T> > (original);

template <template <typename U> class Mixin, typename T,
          typename... OtherMixins>
Mixed<T, OtherMixins..., Mixin<T> >
add_mixin (Mixed<T, OtherMixins...> &original)
    return Mixed<T, OtherMixins..., Mixin<T> > (*original.self);

int main ()
    string foo = "test";

    auto p1 = add_mixin<PrintOnce> (foo);
    p1.print_once ();

    auto p2 = add_mixin<PrintTwice> (p1);
    p2.print_once ();
    p2.print_twice ();

Unfortunately, it still doesn't accomplish your requirement of having each mixin class being aware of all other mixin classes. I'm not sure if that's even possible at compile-time, though.

Upvotes: 1

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