Reputation: 51
I am using RabbitMQ MassTransit for service bus implementation in my .Net core solution. I have created a queue by the name log.service. After lot many efforts I was finally able to push the messages in the queue and can see them in management tool but when I am listening to the same queue in another microservice project, I am unable to do so. I have pushed the messages in the bus from Authentication service and want to log the event in Logging service. Please help! Here is my authentication-StartUp.cs
var buildr = new ContainerBuilder();
buildr.Register(c =>
return Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(sbc =>
var host = sbc.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/"), h =>
sbc.ExchangeType = ExchangeType.Direct;
sbc.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "log.service", e =>
ApplicationContainer = buildr.Build();
return new AutofacServiceProvider(ApplicationContainer);
Here is my logging-StartUp.cs:
var buildr = new ContainerBuilder();
buildr.Register(context =>
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/"), h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "log.service", e =>
return busControl;
ApplicationContainer = buildr.Build();
return new AutofacServiceProvider(ApplicationContainer);
Here I am starting the Bus in both the StartUp.CS
var bus = ApplicationContainer.Resolve<IBusControl>();
var busHandle = TaskUtil.Await(() => bus.StartAsync());
lifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() => busHandle.Stop());
Here I am sending the message to end points from authentication controller:
var sendToUri = new
var endPoint = await _bus.GetSendEndpoint(sendToUri);
await endPoint.Send<ILoggingCommand>(new
XCorrelationId = "asd",
M4SId = "M4SId",
Host = "asdasd",
Level = "Level",
Time = "2019-01-02T07:06:43.722Z",
Message = "Message",
Other = "Other"
return Ok();
When I try to get the above message in log.service bus in rabbitMQ management tool, I am able to do so...but not able to listen it in logging-startup.cs
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Views: 3815
Reputation: 19630
Your endpoint has a queue defined by "log.service" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
but you send messages to the log.service
I don't really see the point of adding the guid to the endpoint address, what are you trying to achieve?
if you define your endpoint as cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "log.service", ep => <configuration>
it should work. You need to uncomment your consumer.
Upvotes: 2