
Reputation: 9377

C# to F# - EF Code First

I'm having a one-to-many relationship between Dealer who can have many Cars.

I'm trying to convert my C# code thats used for EF to F#... The problem is just that in my F# code it can fine get a Dealer, but it wont for that Dealer... it just returns null, but in the C# version it works?

My code:

The C# version

public class Dealer
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Car> Cars { get; set; }

    public Dealer()
        Cars = new List<Car>();
public class Car
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string CarName { get; set; }
    public Dealer Dealer { get; set; }
    public int DealerId { get; set; }

    public Car()
        Dealer = new Dealer();
public class MyContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Dealer> Dealers { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Car> Cars { get; set; }
    public MyContext()
        Database.Connection.ConnectionString = "server=some;database=dbname;user id=uid;password=pwd";

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            .HasMany(x => x.Cars)
            .WithRequired(x => x.Dealer)
            .HasForeignKey(x => x.DealerId);

            .HasRequired(x => x.Dealer)
            .HasForeignKey(x => x.DealerId);


... Program.cs which query for dealer and his cars:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var ctx = new MyContext();
    foreach (var s in ctx.Dealers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 1).Cars)


The F# version

type Dealer() =
    let mutable id = 0
    let mutable name = ""
    let mutable cars = List<Car>() :> ICollection<Car>
    member x.ID with get() = id and set v = id <- v
    member x.Name with get() = name and set v = name <- v
    abstract member Cars : ICollection<Car> with get, set
    override x.Cars with get() = cars and set v = cars <- v
and Car() =
    let mutable id = 0
    let mutable carName = ""
    let mutable dealer = Dealer()
    let mutable dealerId = 0
    member x.ID with get() = id and set v = id <- v
    member x.CarName with get() = carName and set v = carName <- v
    member x.Dealer with get() = dealer and set v = dealer <- v
    member x.DealerId with get() = dealerId and set v = dealerId <- v

type MyContext() =
    inherit DbContext("server=some;database=dbname;user id=uid;password=pwd")

    [<DefaultValue>] val mutable dealers : DbSet<Dealer>
    member x.Dealers with get() = x.dealers and set v = x.dealers <- v

    [<DefaultValue>] val mutable cars : DbSet<Car>
    member x.Cars with get() = x.cars and set v = x.cars <- v

    override x.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder:DbModelBuilder) =
            .HasMany(ToLinq(<@ fun ka -> ka.Cars @>))
            .WithRequired(ToLinq(<@ fun sk -> sk.Dealer @>))
            .HasForeignKey(ToLinq(<@ fun fg -> fg.DealerId @>)) |> ignore

            .HasRequired(ToLinq(<@ fun ak -> ak.Dealer @>))
            .HasForeignKey(ToLinq(<@ fun ka -> ka.DealerId @>)) |> ignore


... The function ToLinq:

let ToLinq (exp : Expr<'a -> 'b>) = 
    let linq = exp.ToLinqExpression() 
    let call = linq :?> MethodCallExpression
    let lambda = call.Arguments.[0] :?> LambdaExpression 
    Expression.Lambda<Func<'a, 'b>>(lambda.Body, lambda.Parameters)

... And Program.fs which will get the Dealer and his Cars:

let ctx = new MyContext()
let joe = ctx.Dealers.Find(1)
joe.Cars |> Seq.iter(fun x -> printfn "%s" x.CarName)
printfn "DONE"

Any help is appreciated!

Upvotes: 8

Views: 3774

Answers (3)


Reputation: 86


let mutable cars = List<Car>() :> ICollection<Car>


let mutable cars = Unchecked.defaultof<ICollection<Car>>


let mutable dealer = Dealer()   


let mutable dealer = Unchecked.defaultof<Dealer>

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 3496

To check whether the LINQ expression is the problem, you could try to create such an expression manually. The following F# code tries to mimic the code that you can see with Reflector or ILSpy in the C# code:

open System
open System.Linq.Expressions

// Manually creates a LINQ expression that represents: << x => x.propName >>
// 'T: type of x
// 'C: return type of the property    
let createPropertyGetDelegate<'T, 'C> propName =
   let typ = typeof<'T> // '
   let parameterExpr = Expression.Parameter(typ, "x")
   let getMethod = typ.GetProperty(propName).GetGetMethod()
   let propExpr = Expression.Property(parameterExpr, getMethod)
   Expression.Lambda<Func<'T, 'C>>(propExpr, [|parameterExpr|])

type Example() =
  member x.Test = 42

let del = createPropertyGetDelegate<Example, int> "Test"
printfn "%A" <| del.Compile().Invoke( Example() )

Upvotes: 1

James Dunne
James Dunne

Reputation: 3677

I think the problem might be with your F# ToLinq function. It looks like you're just converting an F# anonymous function into a MethodCallExpression and having the expression tree act like it should call your function. This is not the same as a "real" expression tree with a MemberAccessExpression or whatever it turns out to be from the C# side.

I think EF wants the expression tree in a more semantic fashion so that it can discover the actual property access rather than a simple "fake" method invocation that you're doing here.

My advice would be to crack open Reflector on the two compiled assemblies and see where the difference lies in the Expression trees. Then make the F# code build the same type of expression tree.

Disclaimer: I'm not well versed in F# but I'd like to be :). This looks cool!

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