Reputation: 45
A client of my outlook add-in started complaining that the add-in does not start at Outlook startup. I took a look, and each time that Outlook is started, the LoadBehaviour is set to 0.
The add-in is written as a managed COM Add-in (sorry, can't change it - legacy tool) with C# 4.0.
It is registered on HKLM for all users.
The client is running Outlook 365 ProPlus Version 1708 (build 8431.22.42 click-to-run) 32 bit (
The client machine is Windows 10 64bit.
The HKCU level LoadBehaviour key that keeps getting reset to 0 is generated on the Software\Microsoft\Office.. node (as opposed to under the Software\Wow6432Node...)
The add-in appears under the 'Inactive Application Add-ins' list on Outlook but will not enable through the interface (you can set it, but it does not enable).
Add-in marked as 'always enable' in "slow and disabled COM-add-ins" list.
This is the only Add-in loading through mscoree.dll listed on the Add-in list (I know if there was another mscoree.dll Add-in and that gets disabled, then ours would be disabled as well).
I change the HKCU LoadBehaviour to 3 manually through RegEdit, and it loads the Add-in the next time I open Outlook, but on next restart of Outlook the Add-in is disabled and LoadBehaviour set to 0 once more.
No other client seems to be experiencing the issue, and I am not able to replicate the issue on a local instance of Outlook 365 either.
As always, any help is greatly appreciated!
As requested, following is an outline of the actions happening on the OnStartupComplete method of the add-in.
The add-in is meant to provide an Outlook interface for users using the mail-like correspondence exchange component of our larger SaaS service. The add-in connects the user to our server, where they have mail-like items (html formatted) received from other users. The add-in will create a local PST file and create mail items within that PST with the HTML & attachments set as the content. The add-in will also detect if the user is attempting to reply/fwd one of the created 'mails' and override the default process in order to display a web page from the server. The server sync process is triggered at the same frequency as the Outlook Send/receive by adding a handler to the Session.SyncObjects[1].SyncStart event. the sync process itself is handled in a separate BackgroundWorker process.
public void OnStartupComplete()
if (_applicationObject == null)
if (_applicationObject.ActiveExplorer() == null)
_version = _applicationObject.Version.Split(new string[] { "." }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString = _applicationObject.Version;
StaticGlobals.OLIVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version ;
StaticGlobals.OLIFileVersionString = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).ProductVersion;
//This class has all the processes of my add-in process.
_addinControlObj = new AddInControlerClass();
//Get references to application, explorer objects
_addinControlObj.ApplicationObject = _applicationObject;
_explorers = _addinControlObj.ApplicationObject.Explorers;
//tracks creation of new explorer & inspector windows in order to override reply/fwd actions on specific scenarios (it provides extra options for the user before opening mail editor)
_explorers.NewExplorer += this.Open_NewExplorer;
_currentExplorer = _addinControlObj.ApplicationObject.ActiveExplorer();
_addinControlObj.ApplicationObject.Inspectors.NewInspector += this.Open_NewInspector;
//Create redemption object
_rdoSession = Redemption.RedemptionLoader.new_RDOSession();
_rdoSession.MAPIOBJECT = _addinControlObj.ApplicationObject.Session.MAPIOBJECT;
((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationEvents_11_Event)_applicationObject).Quit += ReleaseComObjects;
((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationEvents_11_Event)_applicationObject).ItemSend += SendMail;
catch (System.Exception ex)
Common.HandleErrors(ex, "On Connection", false, null, "", StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString);
OutlookCommands olCommands = new OutlookCommands();
//Get PST file name with Outlook user name suffixed. Common.GetAppPath() will point to a sub folder within either %UserProfile%\AppData\Local or user pre-defined location
_addinControlObj.FilePath = Path.Combine(Common.GetAppPath(), olCommands.GetFileNameUserSpecific(_addinControlObj.ApplicationObject, "addinCreatedDataFileName.pst"));
_addinControlObj.CreateProjectConnections(); // connects to the server to retreive access token for API
catch (System.Exception ex)
Common.HandleErrors(ex, "On startup complete - Get and validate proj details", true, null, "", StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString);
//region create PST store and sub-folders
catch (System.Exception ex)
Common.HandleErrors(ex, "On startup complete - Check and create folders", true, null, "", StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString);
#region add add-in sync method to Outlook send/receive all object
if (_addinControlObj.ApplicationObject.Session.SyncObjects.Count > 0)
_syncObject = _addinControlObj.ApplicationObject.Session.SyncObjects[1];
_syncObject.SyncStart += _syncObject_SyncStart;
Common.HandleErrors(null, "On startup complete - Warning - No SyncObjects accounts found.", false, null, "", StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString);
catch (System.Exception ex)
Common.HandleErrors(ex, "On startup complete - Add to sync objects", true, null, Properties.Resources.SyncAttachFailMessage, StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString);
#region Define the functions for the attachment size limitation.
_attachmentSizeLimitation.application = _applicationObject;
_attachmentSizeLimitation.sessionRDO = _rdoSession;
_attachmentSizeLimitation.connect = this;
catch (System.Exception ex)
Common.HandleErrors(ex, "On startup complete - Initialize attachment limitation.", false, null, "", StaticGlobals.OutlookVersionString);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1183
Reputation: 816
To start off, I don't think anyone can give a direct answer without some code or error. But maybe some extra checks can help you out.
Add-ins are disabled here in the registry, under this node:
(your add-in should not be listed here!)
What might happen is that the add-in crashes while closing.
Sometimes Outlook does not show you a crash/error, to change that behavior this is really helpful:
Set 'VSTO_SUPPRESSDISPLAYALERTS' with value '0' as a system variable under system > advanced > environment variables,.
In case the add-in is slow at start-up take a look at, as the Outlook resiliency logic might cause thing behavior.
Upvotes: 1