Reputation: 915
we have an external ASP.NET 4.7 App (in Azure App Service), which should send Messages/Cards to one specific User in Teams (without an Bot).
I managed to send Cards to Channels via the Connector/WebHook, but cannot target an specific User.
How can i do this / which Services are needed?
please as simple as possible :-)
thank you
update: Sample Code:
Private Shared Sub SendToTeams(ChannelPath As AppSettingsKey, Card As TeamsCard)
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ChannelPath) Then Return
Dim Channel = AppSettings.GetAppSetting(ChannelPath)
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Channel) Then Return
Dim ChannelWebHook = ""
Dim Client = New RestClient(ChannelWebHook)
Dim Req = New RestRequest(Method.POST) With {
.Resource = Channel,
.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json
Dim JSON = Card.SaveJSON(False)
Req.AddParameter("application/json; charset=utf-8", JSON, ParameterType.RequestBody)
Dim Erg = Client.Execute(Req)
Logger.Info("Teams:", Erg.StatusCode)
End Sub
And some Helpers:
Friend Class TeamsCard
<JsonProperty(PropertyName:="@context")> Public Property context As String = ""
<JsonProperty(PropertyName:="@type")> Public Property type As String = "MessageCard"
Public Property themeColor As String = "ff6100"
Public Property title As String = "Title"
Public Property summary As String = "Summary"
Public Property text As String = "Text"
Public Property potentialAction As New List(Of TeamsCardAction)
End Class
Friend Class TeamsCardAction
<JsonProperty(PropertyName:="@type")> Public Property type As String = "OpenUri"
Public Property name As String = "ButtonText"
Public Property targets As New List(Of TeamsCardButtonTarget)
Public Sub New(Text As String, URI As String)
name = Text
targets.Add(New TeamsCardButtonTarget With {.uri = URI})
End Sub
End Class
Friend Class TeamsCardButtonTarget
Public Property os As String = "default"
Public Property uri As String = ""
End Class
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1643
Reputation: 3168
Currently, Office 365 Connectos only support only channels. These can't be user to send message/card to individual users.
Only option to send message to Microsoft Teams individual user would be using Bots.
Upvotes: 1