Reputation: 5642
I am new to Spark distributed development. I'm attempting to optimize my existing Spark job which takes up to 1 hour to complete.
In general, the Spark job performs the following:
private def processLines(lines: RDD[String]): DataFrame = {
val updatedLines = lines.mapPartitions(row => ...)
spark.createDataFrame(updatedLines, schema)
// Read S3 files and repartition() and cache()
val lines: RDD[String] = spark.sparkContext
.textFile(pathToFiles, numFiles)
.repartition(2 * numFiles) // double the parallelism
val numRawLines = lines.count()
// Custom process each line and cache table
val convertedLines: DataFrame = processLines(lines)
val numRows = spark.sql("select count(*) from temp_tbl").collect().head().getLong(0)
// Select a subset of the data
val myDataFrame = spark.sql("select a, b, c from temp_tbl where field = 'xxx' ")
// Define # of parquet files to write using coalesce
val numParquetFiles = numRows / 1000000
var lessParts = myDataFrame.rdd.coalesce(numParquetFiles)
var lessPartsDataFrame = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(lessParts, myDataFrame.schema)
// Insert data from view into Hive parquet table
spark.sql("insert overwrite destination_tbl
select * from my_view")
The app reads all S3 files => repartitions to twice the amount of files => caches the RDD => custom processes each line => creates a temp view/cache table => counts the num rows => selects a subset of the data => decrease the amount of partitions => creates a view of the subset of data => inserts to hive destination table using the view => unpersist the RDD.
I am not sure why it takes a long time to execute. Are the spark execution parameters incorrectly set or is there something being incorrectly invoked here?
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Views: 433
Reputation: 476
Before looking at the metrics, I would try the following change to your code.
private def processLines(lines: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
lines.mapPartitions(row => ...)
val convertedLinesDf =
.filter("field = 'xxx'")
val numLines = convertedLinesDf.count() //dataset get in memory here, it takes time
// Select a subset of the data, but it will be fast if you have enough memory
// Just use Dataframe API
val myDataFrame = convertedLinesDf.transform(processLines).select("a","b","c")
//coalesce here without converting to RDD, experiment what best
val numParquetFiles = numRows / 1000000
and repartition(2 * numFiles
). With your setup, 1000 files of 30MB each will give you 1000 partitions. It could be fine like this. Calling repartition and coalesce may trigger a shuffling operation which is costly. (Coalesce may not trigger a shuffle)Tell me if you get any improvements !
Upvotes: 1