Reputation: 297
This is actually 3 column table, I need last three rows should be two columns, that means colspan 2 , How can we use the colspan for some rows ? This is the table structure and the code
| Si | item | Amount |
| 1 | Keyboard | 10 $ |
| 2 | Mouse | 5 $ |
var columns = [
{title: "Si.", dataKey: "si"},
{title: "Item", dataKey: "itm"},
{title: "Amount", dataKey: "amt"},
var a = doc.autoTable(columns, this.cols, {
theme: 'striped',
styles: {
lineWidth: 0.2,
lineColor: 0,
headerStyles: {
fillColor: 230,
halign: 'center'
margin: {top: 92},
value_usd: {halign: 'right'},
value_aed: {halign: 'right'}
The result expected:
| Si | item | Amount |
| 1 | Keyboard | 10 $ |
| 2 | Mouse | 5 $ |
| Total | 15 $ |
| VAT | 5% |
| Grand Sum | 15.75 |
Upvotes: 0
Views: 8013
Reputation: 11
just after looping for the data in version 3 > you can do something like this :
//your data
let data = {
details: []
//parse the data for the table
let dataTable = []
let billTotal = 0
for (let index = 0; index < data.details.length; index++) {
const element = data.details[index];
billTotal += element.bill_final
index + 1,
//push the last one after looping your fixed data.
//you can also style as you like.
content: 'TOTAL : ',
colSpan: 5,
styles: {
halign: 'right'
content: billTotal,
styles: {
halign: 'center'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
I've found it works better if in this example you made the table a 6 column table and then your colspans would reflect the widths needed. So in this example the first two rows would be 3-2colSpan cells, and the following ones would be a 4-colspan cell, and a 2colspan cell row.
| Si | item | Amount |
| 1 | Keyboard | 10 $ |
| 2 | Mouse | 5 $ |
| Total | 15 $ |
| VAT | 5% |
| Grand Sum | 15.75 |
I'll say there is one caveat to this, that you'll have to set a standard column width with your columnStyles, and a blank row of the maximum number of columns. A blank non-shown header row has worked for me.
let pdfObject = {
body: [Arrays(n)],
rowPageBreak: "avoid",
styles: styles,
headStyles: headerStyles,
bodyStyles: {
overflow: "linebreak",
textColor: [0, 0, 0],
cache[el] = {
minCellWidth : pdfDocument.internal.pageSize.width/6,
return cache;
} ,{}),
theme: "grid",
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9
you can use didParseCell function to solve your problem
for example if you have array of object
var objarr=[] //array of object to construct the table
//description above refer to the column of the table on the lastrow
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 407
Try something like this.
let body = bodyRows(5);
for (var i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
var row = body[i];
if (i >= body.length - 3) {
row[i]['si'] = {
colspan: 2,
content: body[i]['item'],
styles: {
valign: 'middle',
halign: 'center'
let head = headRows();
startY: 60,
head: head, //head is the header that you have created
body: body,
theme: 'striped'
return doc;
var data = [{
'item': 'keyboard',
'amt': '10'
}, {
'item': 'keyboard',
'amt': '5'
}, {
'item': 'Total',
'amt': '15'
}, {
'item': 'VAT',
'amt': '5'
}, {
'item': 'Grand Sum',
'amt': '15.75'
function headRows() {return [{si: 'SI', item: 'item', amt: 'Amount'}];}
function bodyRows(rowCount) {
rowCount = rowCount || 10;
let body = [];
for (var j = 1; j <= rowCount; j++) {
if (j <= rowCount - 3) {,
si: j,
item: data[j]['item'],
amt: data[j]['amt']
} else {
si: data[j]['item'],
item: data[j]['item'],
amt: data[j]['amt']
return body;
Upvotes: 0