Reputation: 451
I am trying to understand Akka Clustering for parallel computation using nodes. So, I wrote one factorial program and want to run that on a cluster of 3 nodes (inclusive master).
I am using a configuration file to provide seed nodes and cluster provider. And reading file in my code.
cluster {
akka {
actor {
provider = "cluster"
remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0
cluster {
seed-nodes = [
"akka.tcp://[email protected]:9876",
"akka.tcp://[email protected]:6789"]
# auto downing is NOT safe for production deployments.
# you may want to use it during development, read more about it in the docs.
# auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
Following is the java code:
package test
import{Actor,ActorSystem, Props}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor
class Factorial extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case (n: Int) => fact(n)
def fact(n:Int): Int ={
if (n<=1){
return 1
else {
return n * fact(n - 1)
object ClusterActor {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val configFile = "E:/Scala/StatsRuleEngine/Resources/local_configuration.conf"
val config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File(configFile))
implicit val system:ActorSystem = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem" ,config.getConfig("cluster"))
implicit val materializer:ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
val FacActor = system.actorOf(Props[Factorial],"Factorial")
FacActor ! (5)
On running the program, I am getting below error
Remote connection to [null] failed with Connection refused: no further information: / [WARN] [01/21/2019 16:31:15.979] [New I/O boss #3] [NettyTransport(akka://ClusterSystem)] Remote connection to [null] failed with Connection refused: no further information: /
I tried to search, but I don't why this error is coming.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 111
Reputation: 7275
When you boot your nodes, you need to specify the exact ports that will be open in config
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0 // THE EXACT PORT
So, if your seed nodes say 9876
and 6789
. Two of nodes have to specify
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 9876
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 6789
Note, that the node that is listed first in seed nodes list must start first.
Upvotes: 1