Reputation: 315
Trying to get the CPU utilization (and preferably network as well. I would love to get RAM too, but as i understand that requires having the guest module installed to get those metrics. so at this point i just need the metrics at the 'host' level).
Idea is to run this against all VMs in a subscription, to get VM name, VM resource group, CPU utilization over the last x days, network in over the last x days, and network out over the last x days.
The first thing I tried though, using the "Get-AzureRMMetric", starts giving errors.
I type "get-azurermmetric", and am prompted for a resource ID. I enter the resource ID of the VM, and the response i get is a long string of warnings, and exception types, that an invalid status code 'notfound' was returned.
Any ideas?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5534
Reputation: 1
Is that we can able to fetch maximum usage on CPU with date using same script, i have used to did below changes like call Maximum luck..i hope some condition need to do you have solution for that
foreach($c in $cpu.Data.Maximum)
#this is a average value for 12 hours, so total = $c*12 (or should be $c*12*60*60)
$cpu_total += $c*12
#($c|measure -maximum).maximum
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Reputation: 30015
First, you need to determine which metrics are supported for vm, use the following code:
(Get-AzureRmMetricDefinition -ResourceId "vm resource id").name
Then you can see the supported metrics(Just ignore the warning message):
As per your question, I think you need "Percentage CPU" / "Network In" / "Network Out".
Then you can use the sample code below for your purpose(you can make some changes if it does not meet your need):
#get all vms in a resource group, but you can remove -ResourceGroupName "xxx" to get all the vms in a subscription
$vms = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName "xxx"
#get the last 3 days data
#end date
#start date
#define an array to store the infomation like vm name / resource group / cpu usage / network in / networkout
$arr =@()
foreach($vm in $vms)
#define a string to store related infomation like vm name etc. then add the string to an array
$s = ""
#percentage cpu usage
$cpu = Get-AzureRmMetric -ResourceId $vm.Id -MetricName "Percentage CPU" -DetailedOutput -StartTime $st `
-EndTime $et -TimeGrain 12:00:00 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#network in
$in = Get-AzureRmMetric -ResourceId $vm.Id -MetricName "Network In" -DetailedOutput -StartTime $st `
-EndTime $et -TimeGrain 12:00:00 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#network out
$out = Get-AzureRmMetric -ResourceId $vm.Id -MetricName "Network Out" -DetailedOutput -StartTime $st `
-EndTime $et -TimeGrain 12:00:00 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
# 3 days == 72hours == 12*6hours
$networkIn_total = 0.0
$networkOut_total = 0.0
foreach($c in $cpu.Data.Average)
#this is a average value for 12 hours, so total = $c*12 (or should be $c*12*60*60)
$cpu_total += $c*12
foreach($i in $
$networkIn_total += $i
foreach($t in $
$networkOut_total += $t
# add all the related info to the string
$s = "VM Name: " + $ + "; Resource Group: " + $vm.ResourceGroupName + "; CPU: " +$cpu_total +"; Network In: " + $networkIn_total + "; Network Out: " + $networkOut_total
# add the above string to an array
$arr += $s
#check the values in the array
The test result:
Upvotes: 2