Reputation: 467
I have an excel file that is importing pricing from various txt files that are automatically generated by a third party. I hit a road block with one of the txt files because it uses space delimited whereas the others use tab. Because of the space delimited, when i split the data i get different values in each column.
Here is what I have so far to open and read the text file
usFileName = PathName & "\" & "Prices.txt"
If fs.FileExists(usFileName) Then
Set US = fs.OpenTextFile(usFileName, 1)
theData = US.ReadLine
getDate = Split(theData, Chr(0))
curDate = Trim(Left(getDate(0), 10))
If curDate = ActiveSheet.Range("Sheet_Date") Then
Do While Not US.AtEndOfStream
On Error Resume Next
Ln = US.ReadLine
Cols = Split(Ln, " ")
Price = Trim(Cols(7))
NameTrim = Trim(Replace(Cols(1), "USO-", ""))
CellName = Replace(NameTrim, "-", "_") & "_" & Trim(Cols(2))
If ActiveSheet.Range(CellName) Is Nothing Then
''Do Nothing here
On Error Resume Next
Set TxtRng = ActiveSheet.Range(CellName)
If TxtRng = ActiveSheet.Range(CellName) Then
TxtRng.Value = Price
End If
End If
MsgBox ("The current sheet date does not match the US file import date.")
End If
MsgBox ("The file Prices.txt does not exist.")
End If
This is what the txt file looks like:
01/11/2019 06:00 PM USO-FOX-USO E10 8.9929 0.0000
01/11/2019 06:00 PM USO-FOX-USO CON8HE10 1.3212 -0.0244
01/11/2019 06:00 PM USO-FOX-USO CON8HE10TT 1.3232 -0.0244
And this is what the Cols variable looks like.
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Views: 1725
Reputation: 771
You can try removing spaces and replacing them this way:
Ln = US.ReadLine
Do While (InStr(Ln, " ") > 0)
Ln = Replace(Ln, " ", " ")
'The only problem I see is the case where you have Time (6:00 PM) this
' would replace the space with Tab. in that case, I would do the following:
Ln = Replace(Ln, " PM", "PM")
Ln = Replace(Ln, " AM", "AM")
Ln = Replace(Ln, " ", vbTab)
'And then put them back
Ln = Replace(Ln, "PM", " PM")
Ln = Replace(Ln, "AM", " AM")
'Finally, split the columns
Cols = Split(Ln, vbTab)
If you want to try with fixed width then do the following (after Ln = US.Readline):
'01/11/2019 06:00 PM USO-FOX-USO E10 8.9929 0.0000
'Do the following only if (InStr(Ln, " ") > 0)
strCol1 = Mid(Ln, 1, 21)
strCol2 = Mid(Ln, 22, 13)
strCol3 = Mid(Ln, 35, 13)
strCol4 = Mid(Ln, 48, 11)
strCol5 = Mid(Ln, 59, Len(Ln))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7567
Sub Test()
Dim PathName As String
Dim usFileName As String
PathName = "Your path"
usFileName = PathName & "\" & "Prices.txt"
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=usFileName, _
StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1), _
Array(19, 1), Array(32, 1), Array(48, 1), Array(55, 1))
End Sub
Upvotes: 1