Reputation: 93
I know that there is already an answer to the exact question that i am asking, but i tried to understand that answer, or contact the person that made the answer, but i didnt get far.
What im talking about is here:
batch "set /p" crashes when no input
But i dont understand how to fix my code from the answers there.
The problem with the code below is that when i press 1, it goes to 1answered, when i press 2, it goes to 2answered, when i press just enter it goes to the start of the code, and that is ok, BUT when i type a space and then i press enter, the code crashes. When answering, please keep in mind that im a kid and dont know much about code at all, so i may not understand a complex answer.
PS sorry if i misspelled something, english is not my first language.
Example of code:
@echo off
set input=x
set /p input=Enter input:
if %input%==1 goto 1answered
if %input%==2 goto 2answered
echo A mistake was made
pause >NUL
goto start
echo You entered the number 1
pause >NUL
echo You entered the number 2
pause >NUL
Also, here is the code that im working on. I know its bad, but i dont know any better :/
@echo off
set /p usernameofplayer=
set input=x
mode 85,30
color 0b
goto mainpage
::The code on top of mainpage is just for looks, random.
echo var dog = ( -0.19 ) ^+ Jon / ( 0.15 ) ^* -foo(y,x,rule(destroy() ^* ROWS,920.47))
echo /^* terminals used ^*/
echo var num, id_var, id_func, id_idx, binaryOP, quote, assignOP;
echo this.getRandomRule = function () {
echo if (this.rules.length == 0) {
echo return ""
echo _ ____ ______ ___ ______ ___ __
echo ^| ^| ^| ^|^| ^| / _] ^| / _] / ]
echo ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| / [_^| ^| / [_ / /
echo ^| ^|___ ^| ^| ^|_^| ^|_^|^| _]_^| ^|_^|^| _]/ /
echo ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| [_ ^| ^| ^| [_/ \_
echo ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^\ ^|
echo ^|_____^|^|____^| ^|__^| ^|_____^| ^|__^| ^|_____^|^\____^|
echo For help type "help" and click enter
goto command
set /p input=#%usernameofplayer%^>
if %input%==reset goto mainpage
if %input%==help goto help
if %input%==chat goto chat
if %input%==access goto accessnotspecified
if %input%==x goto command
if %input%==ELSE goto command
echo ================================================================
echo To use a command, type in its name and click enter
echo To learn sub commands of a command, type the command
echo with [] at the end
echo example: command[]
echo To use a sub command of a command, type the sub command
echo in the [] of the command
echo List of commands available:
echo =reset
echo =chat
echo =access
echo =
echo ================================================================
goto command
echo What to access is not specified
goto command
Upvotes: 0
Views: 380
Reputation: 38623
I'd suggest changing the command section to this:
Set "input="
Set /P "input=#%usernameofplayer%>"
If /I "%input%"=="reset" GoTo mainpage
If /I "%input%"=="help" GoTo help
If /I "%input%"=="chat" GoTo chat
If /I "%input%"=="access" GoTo accessnotspecified
GoTo command
…as you can see, when doublequoting the input prompt there's no need to escape >
As a side note you can also change some of the the mainpage section to:
Echo var dog = ( -0.19 ) + Jon / ( 0.15 ) * -foo(y,x,rule(destroy() * ROWS,920.47))
Echo /* terminals used */
…because there's no need to escape +
or *
Upvotes: 1