Reputation: 11
I'm having my first steps into Docker/CI/CD.
For that, I'm trying to deploy a raw create-react-app to my Digital Ocean droplet (Docker One-Click Application) using Gitlab CI. Those are my files:
# STAGE 1 - Building assets
FROM node:alpine as building_assets_stage
WORKDIR /workspace
## Preparing the image (installing dependencies and building static files)
COPY ./package.json .
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
RUN yarn build
# STAGE 2 - Serving static content
FROM nginx as serving_static_content_stage
COPY --from=building_assets_stage /workspace/build ${NGINX_STATIC_FILE_SERVING_PATH}
## Use a Docker image with "docker-compose" installed on top of it.
image: tmaier/docker-compose:latest
- docker:dind
## Install ssh agent (so we can access the Digital Ocean Droplet) and run it.
- apk update && apk add openssh-client
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
## Write the environment variable value to the agent store, create the ssh directory and give the right permissions to it.
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
## Make sure that ssh will trust the new host, instead of asking
- echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config
## Test that everything is setup correctly
- deploy
stage: deploy
## Login this machine into Docker registry, creates a production build and push it to the registry.
- docker build -t ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} .
- docker push ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
## Connect to the Digital Ocean droplet, stop/remove all running containers, pull latest image and execute it.
- docker ps -q --filter "name=${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME}" | grep -q . && docker stop ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} && docker rm -fv ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} && docker rmi -f ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
- docker run -d -p 80:80 --name ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
# Everything works, exit.
- exit 0
- master
In a nutshell, on Gitlab CI, I do the following:
(before_install) Install ssh agent and copy my private SSH key to this machine, so we can connect to the Digital Ocean Droplet;
(deploy) I build my image and push it to my public docker hub repository;
(deploy) I connect to my Digital Ocean Droplet via SSH, pull the image I've just built and run it.
The problem is that if I do everything from my computer's terminal, the container is created and the application is deployed successfully.
If I execute it from the Gitlab CI task, the container is generated but nothing is deployed because the container dies right after (click here to see CI job output).
I can guarantee that the container is being erase because if I manually SSH the server and docker ps -a
, it doesn't listen anything.
I'm mostly confused by the fact that this image CMD is CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
, which shouldn't make my container gets deleted because it has a process running.
What I'm doing wrong? I'm lost.
Thank you in advance.
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Views: 2528
Reputation: 11
My question was answered by d g - thank you very much!
The problem relies on the fact that I was connecting to my Digital Ocean Droplet via SSH and executing commands inside using its bash, when I should be passing the entire command to be executed as an argument to the ssh
connection instruction.
Changed my .gitlab.yml
file from:
## Connect to the Digital Ocean droplet, stop/remove all running containers, pull latest image and execute it.
- docker ps -q --filter "name=${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME}" | grep -q . && docker stop ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} && docker rm -fv ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} && docker rmi -f ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
- docker run -d -p 80:80 --name ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}
# Execute as follow:
# ssh -t digital-ocean-server "docker cmd1; docker cmd2;
- ssh -T ${SECRETS_DIGITAL_OCEAN_DROPLET_USER}@${SECRETS_DIGITAL_OCEAN_DROPLET_IP} "docker ps -q --filter \"name=${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME}\" | grep -q . && docker stop ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} && docker rm -fv ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} && docker rmi -f ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}; docker run -d -p 80:80 --name ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME} ${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}"
Upvotes: 1