Reputation: 355
Matlab has a capability to have a dynamically typed array. For example, the matlab code is
function testing1
close all;
chrom_len = 35;
function out = newChromosome(len)
genes_pool = struct(...
'gene', {'#', 'U-', 'Rs', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^'}, ...
'stackDepth', {0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},...
'deltaStack', {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1});
function gene = newGene(stackDepth)
% Select an appropriate gene
done = false;
while ~done
ind = randi([1 numel(genes_pool)], 1, 1);
if genes_pool(ind).stackDepth <= stackDepth
done = true;
% Generate output
gene = genes_pool(ind);
disp('gene.gene is ');
if gene.gene == '#'
gene.gene = round(randn(1,1) * 5);
disp('new gene.gene is ');
disp('the gene is ');
genes = {}; stack = [];
stackDepth = 0;
i = 1;
while i <= len || (i > len && stackDepth ~= 1)
gene = newGene(stackDepth);
% disp('outside gene');
% disp(gene);
stackDepth = stackDepth + gene.deltaStack;
% disp('stackDepth');
% disp(stackDepth);
genes = [genes, gene.gene];
% disp('genes');
% disp(genes);
stack = [stack, stackDepth];
% disp('stack')
% disp(stack);
i = i + 1;
if strcmp(gene.gene, 'X') && rand(1,1) < 0.5
genes = [genes, randi([2 4], 1)]; stackDepth = stackDepth + 1;
stack = [stack, stackDepth];
genes = [genes, '^']; stackDepth = stackDepth - 1;
stack = [stack, stackDepth];
out = struct('genes', {genes}, 'stack', {stack});
The first run Matlab output (I use GNU Octave which is the same thing) is,
gene.gene is
ans = char
The second run Matlab output is,
gene.gene is
new gene.gene is
the gene is
scalar structure containing the fields:
gene = -11
stackDepth = 0
deltaStack = 1
ans = double
When I translate Matlab to Fortran I want to duplicate output so that output Fortran is the same type as in Matlab. The gene.gene results can be either character or double. This means, it can have two types. Is it possible to do the same in Fortran? How do I dynamically type the variable in Fortran? I believe it has something to do with type casting. So far, my Fortran solution is,
function newchromosome(clen) result(out1)
implicit none
type garray
character*2 :: gene;
integer :: stackdepth;
integer :: deltastack;
end type
type(garray), dimension(8) :: genespool
type(garray), dimension(1) :: gene2
integer,intent(in) :: clen;
integer :: out1;
integer :: inttest;
genespool = [garray('#',0,1),garray('X',0,1),garray('U-',1,0), &
garray('+',2,-1),garray('-',2,-1),garray('*',2,-1), &
garray('/',2,-1),garray('^',2,-1) ]
gene2 = [garray('s',0,0) ]
out1 = clen;
inttest = newgene(2);
function newgene(stackdepth) result(out2)
integer, intent(in) :: stackdepth;
integer :: out2;
logical :: done;
integer :: ind;
real :: rnd1;
character*2, dimension(:), allocatable:: answer2;
character*2 :: answer;
answer = 'ye'
! gene=0;
! gene = stackdepth;
done = .FALSE.
do while (done .EQV. .FALSE.)
call random_number(rnd1);
ind = nint(rnd1*size(genespool));
if (genespool(ind)%stackdepth <= stackdepth) then
done = .True.
end if
end do
! Generate output
print*, "genespool(ind) ", genespool(ind);
print*, "gene 2 ", gene2;
print*, "new gene 2 ",gene2;
print*, "new gene2.gene ",gene2%gene;
print*, "test 2 ", answer;
if ( gene2(1)%gene == '#' ) then
call random_number(rnd1);
! gene2%gene = nint(rnd1*5); !<------ problem (convert integer to string integer)
end function newgene
end function newchromosome
program testing1
! ------ unit declaration ----------------------------------------------
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! ------ variable declaration ------------------------------------------
integer :: chromlen;
integer :: newchromosome;
integer :: test;
chromlen = 35;
test = 0;
print*, "newChromosome is ", test;
flush( output_unit )
end program testing1
I added some dummy variables such as 'answer2' just for debugging purpose. I marked with arrow where my code in FORTRAN is causing trouble due to Matlab dynamic type declaration. In FORTRAN, it could be impossible to have a variable that is both character and double (real). In FORTRAN, I cannot have U- and -11 like in Matlab because in FORTRAN has declaration of gene2 type as a character. Matlab is flexible, FORTRAN is strict. In FORTRAN, how do I make the gene2.gene accept 'real type' -11 without causing an error? Is there a better way making a type declaration such as %ptr or class(*) for heterogeneous array declaration?
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Views: 144
Reputation: 8556
Well, I think I finally understand your code. And, if I do, what you want is to have the component gene%gene
to be able to display a character or a number, when needed.
You definitely do not need/want to simulate a dynamic type or anything that hard, though. You can just maintain the component as a character type and if you need to store an integer, you convert it to text. In Fortran, conversion of other types into character is done with the same I/O statements you are used to, but you pass a character variable instead of a unit number. Like this:
write(gene2%gene, '(i0)') int(rnd1 * 5);
This statement will write the integer value of the passed expression into the character component. The format (i0)
will use the minimum space needed for the number, in this case. If you need to store a real variable instead of an integer, use the same principle; but you may need to increase the length of the character component and use a different format, maybe (g0)
Even though this technically solves your question, I wrote a port of your Matlab program in, as I consider, a more "Fortran-ish" way. You may used it as a exercise to learn some language concepts and constructs you may not be familiar.
Wrap functionality into a module:
module genetics
implicit none
! use a constant, so it will be easier to refactor when needed
integer, parameter :: g_charlen = 2
type gene
character(g_charlen) :: gene
integer :: depth
integer :: delta
end type
! initializing in a data statement looks nicer in this case
type(gene) :: pool(8)
data pool%gene / '#', 'U-', 'Rs', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^'/
data pool%depth / 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2/
data pool%delta / 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1/
! or whatever implementation you may have
type chromosome
character(g_charlen) :: gene
integer :: stack
end type
! there is no need for nested procedures in this case
function new_gene(depth) result(out)
integer, intent(in) :: depth
type(gene) :: out
real :: rnd
associate(filtered => pack(pool, pool%depth <= depth))
if(size(filtered) < 1) error stop 'there is no suitable gene in the pool'
call random_number(rnd)
out = filtered(int(rnd * size(filtered)) + 1)
end associate
if(out%gene == '#') then
call random_number(rnd)
write(out%gene, '(i0)') int(rnd * 5) ! <- here is the line
end if
! or whatever implementation you may have
function new_chromosome(clen) result(out)
integer, intent(in) :: clen
type(chromosome), allocatable :: out(:)
type(gene) :: g
integer :: i, depth
real :: rnd
character(g_charlen) :: gch
depth = 0
i = 1
do while(i <= clen .or. depth /= 1)
g = new_gene(depth)
depth = depth + g%delta
out = [out, chromosome(g%gene, depth)]
i = i + 1
if(g%gene == 'X') then
call random_number(rnd)
if(rnd >= 0.5) cycle
call random_number(rnd)
write(gch, '(i0)') int(rnd * 3) + 2;
out = [out, chromosome(gch, depth + 1), chromosome('^', depth - 1)]
end if
end do
And you can test the code with:
program test
use :: genetics
implicit none
type(chromosome), allocatable :: c1(:)
integer :: i
call random_seed
c1 = new_chromosome(10)
do i = 1, size(c1)
print *, c1(i)
end do
One posible output is:
1 1
U- 2
* 1
U- 2
1 3
2 4
- 3
U- 4
U- 5
^ 4
/ 3
Rs 3
- 2
0 3
- 2
^ 1
Upvotes: 2