Reputation: 13
I am currently diving into RxSwift and I am trying to use it to update a TableView on a ViewController(.xib) with data that I get from a JSON and is encoded into a struct with Codable.
Here's my VM atm:
import Foundation
import RxCocoa
import RxSwift
protocol MenuViewModelProtocol {
func viewDidLoad()
class MenuViewModel: MenuViewModelProtocol {
private (set) var menu = MenuModel()
private let menuIntermediary = MenuDataIntermediary()
func viewDidLoad() {
debugPrint("MenuViewModel.viewDidLoad: Async request for menu was made")
requestAndSetMenuToIntermediary { (_ success) in
switch success {
case true:
debugPrint("MenuViewModel.requestAndSetMenuToIntermediary: Did get Menu successfully")
// print( // -> menu is here
case false:
debugPrint("MenuViewModel.requestAndSetMenuToIntermediary: Did not get Menu successfully")
private func requestAndSetMenuToIntermediary(completion: @escaping (_ success: Bool) -> Void) {
menuIntermediary.jsonDataToMenuConversion { [weak self] (success) in {
guard let strongSelf = self else {
debugPrint("MenuViewModel.requestMenuToIntermediary: couldn't create a strong self reference")
guard let menu = menu else {
debugPrint("MenuViewModel.requestMenuToIntermediary: couldn't unwrap menu data")
} = menu
// print( // -> menu is here
The flow behing requestAndSetMenuToIntermediary is in short:
-> DataManager requests JSON from URL and returns a Data?
-> Intermediary Layer parses the JSON onto a Struct (with nested structs) using Codable and returns a Struct?
-> ViewModel gets the Struct? and unwraps it, being it ready for UI setup.
-> ??
My problem at '??' is to notify the VC that menu was updated in order to setup the TableView. Any suggestions? I've tried using PublishSubjects, BehaviorSubject combined with observables but I can't seem to make it work. I'm in doubt if it is syntax or something related to the background flow...
Thanks in advance! P.s - If more info is needed I can happily provide it, I was just trying to not make a very long post :p
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1465
Reputation: 21
I do not find any code about data binding in your code. Normally, if you are using RxSwift, you should create a data sequence and bound to your view. For Table View or Collection View, we love using RxDataSource
getting response from servermap
to Transform the dataIn you case, you should define a function to get menu model from server
private func getMenuModel() -> Obserable<MenuModel> {
/* the code getting response from server and transform to menu model */
Declare an Observable
let menuModelObservable: Observable<MenuModel>
init() {
menuModelObservable = getMenuModel()
Bind the data to your TableView
/* Your ViewController*/
override func viewDidLoad() {
let viewModel = MenuViewModel()
viewModel.menuModelObservable.bind(to: tableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "Cell")) { index, model, cell in
cell.textLabel?.text = model
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Upvotes: 1