Reputation: 179
I'm attempting to use RDCOMClient to search my Outlook inbox for specific subjects in emails and then grab the attachment. I have this working on a single email, but as the subject contains a date element, I need the search to be a like clause, but can't quite see where this would fit within my below query.
outlook_app <- COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
search <- outlook_app$AdvancedSearch(
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject = 'test email executed at 13/01/2019 10:00:08'"
I need to search just the first portion of the subject line, looking for everything before the date and time.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1508
Reputation: 3379
I think something like this should work. It should search for any messages containing the specified phrase, and download each of their attachments.
search.phrase <- 'test email executed at'
save.fldr <- tempdir() # Set a root folder to save attachments into
outlook_app <- COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
search <- outlook_app$AdvancedSearch(
paste0(" ci_phrasematch '", search.phrase, "'")
Sys.sleep(10) # Wait some time to allow search to complete
results <- search[['Results']]
for(i in c(1:results[['Count']])){ # Loop through search results
attachments.obj <- results[[i]][['attachments']] # Gets the attachment object
if(attachments.obj[['Count']] > 0){ # Check if there are attachments
attach.fldr <- file.path(save.fldr, path_sanitize(results[[i]][['Subject']])) # Set folder name for attachments based on email subject
dir.create(attach.fldr) # Create the folder for the attachments if it doesn't exist
for(a in c(1:attachments.obj[['Count']])){ # Loop through attachments
save.path <- file.path(attach.fldr, attachments.obj[[a]][['FileName']]) # Set the save path
attachments.obj[[a]]$SaveAsFile(save.path) # Save the attachment
Upvotes: 2