Reputation: 850
I am working with several data sets that originally come as a .sas7bdat
Initially, I loaded all files using the sas7bdat
package but I am now convinced that the haven
package can do a better and quicker job.
However, newly loaded data with haven::read_(sas)
seems to behave differently compared to sas7bdat::read.sas7bdat()
when using pull()
from dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
data.sas7 <- sas7bdat::read.sas7bdat(system.file("examples", "iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"))
data.sas7 %>% summarise(mean = mean(Petal_Length)) %>% pull
#> [1] 3.758
data.haven <- haven::read_sas(system.file("examples", "iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"))
data.haven %>% summarise(mean = mean(Petal_Length)) %>% pull
#> [1] 3.758
#> attr(,"")
#> [1] "BEST"
Created on 2019-01-31 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
As can be seen from the example above the attr()
are printed as well when data is loaded using haven
. This in not practical when I want, for instance, print the outcome in an rmarkdown
My question is: how can I avoid the attribute being printed when using pull()
form dplyr
when data is loaded with haven
Upvotes: 1
Views: 376
Reputation: 47320
First let's reproduce similar data:
iris2 <- iris
attr(iris2$Petal.Length,"") <- "BEST"
iris2 %>%
summarise(mean = mean(Petal.Length)) %>%
# [1] 3.758
# attr(,"")
# [1] "BEST"
Then see the first line I use here, it strips the attribute ""
of all columns :
iris2 %>%
mutate_all(`attr<-`,"", NULL) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(Petal.Length)) %>%
# [1] 3.758
If you want to remove all attributes:
iris2 %>%
mutate_all(`attributes<-`, NULL) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(Petal.Length)) %>%
# [1] 3.758
Upvotes: 3